☰ Revisor of Missouri

Definitions (9,141)

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  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

 (rup)  281.020  340b drug  376.414  a copy of his or her record of that patient's health history and treatment rendered  191.227
 a period of excessive unemployment  290.550  a person difficult to employ  135.240  'a' rated risk  379.888
 a relative of the owner's former spouse  461.051  a relative of the settlor's former spouse  456.1-112  abandoned  340.288417.005452.705
 abandoned aircraft  305.800  abandoned cemetery  214.205  abandoned dry-cleaning facility  260.900
 abandoned equipment or facilities  67.1830  abandoned family cemetery  214.131  abandoned or uncontrolled  260.435
 abandoned property  82.46299.875304.001447.700640.740  abandoned well  256.603  abatement  441.500701.300
 abatement project designer  643.020  abducted child  210.1012  able  209.600
 able account  209.600  abortion  170.015188.015  abortion facility  188.015197.200
 abortion services  170.015196.1127  aboveground storage tank  319.100414.036  above-the-line individual  135.750
 absconder  217.703559.036  absentee ballot  115.275  abuse  191.900192.2200192.2400197.250197.500198.006208.164210.110210.115285.625352.400455.010568.060
 abusing a pet  455.010  abusive head trauma  568.060  academic scholarship  173.250
 academic skill intake assessment  173.831  academic year  173.1102  acceptable collateral  376.292
 acceptable private mortgage insurance  376.292  acceptance  400.3-409  accepted actuarial standards  287.930
 accepted mail from the banking organization  447.505  accepted mail from the financial organization  447.505  acceptor  400.3-103
 access  226.290472.405556.061  access demand notice  393.550  access to affordable employer-sponsored health care insurance or other affordable health care coverage  208.930
 accessibility  161.900  accessible assistive technology device  167.225  accession  400.9-102
 accessions  400.2A-310  accessory equipment  67.5092  accident  287.020287.120
 accident and health insurance  376.292376.365  accident and health insurer  376.292  accident potential zones one and two  41.655
 accident response service fee  374.055  accommodations  407.600  account  103.080191.1603369.014375.772376.718400.4-104400.9-102427.300443.1003454.507472.405
 account debtor  400.9-102  account holder  143.1160191.1603208.750443.1003  account review  407.1380
 accountant  375.1025  accounting  400.9-102  accounting officer  50.530
 accounting period  469.401  accounting system  29.005  accounts receivable purchase transaction  427.300
 accreditation council for education in nutrition and dietetics  324.200  accredited  173.831335.016  accredited approved veterinarian  267.565267.670
 accredited degree program from a school of architecture  327.011  accredited dental hygiene school  332.011  accredited dental school  332.011
 accredited school of cosmetology or school of manicuring  329.010  accredited school of engineering  327.011  accredited school of landscape architecture  327.011
 accredited school of veterinary medicine  340.200  accredited state  382.400  accumulated contributions  70.60086.01086.20086.90086.131087.120104.010105.691169.010169.270169.410169.600
 accumulative  135.030  accurate  413.005  accusatory instrument  557.014
 accused  557.014  accused delinquent  210.570  accused status offender  210.570
 accuser  40.005  acend  324.200  acknowledgment  486.600
 acquire  67.453204.650249.925  acquirer  407.432  acquiring party  382.050
 acquisition  382.095  acquisition costs  99.1205  acquisition proposal  351.347
 acre  245.010  acreage  245.010  act  68.205104.1003173.250620.582650.451
 act assessment  160.572  act of god  227.552  act of nature  537.327
 act of school violence  160.261  acting in concert  361.906  action  400.1-201436.350456.1-103
 active apprentice status  173.2553  active armed warfare  104.010  active classroom teacher  161.026161.026
 active dry-cleaning facility  260.900  active duty  160.2000  active duty military  324.087334.1203337.550345.085
 active emergency  304.890  active emergency zone  304.890  active ingredient  281.220
 active member  67.3000169.410  active military member  337.1005571.104  active state duty  40.005
 active telephone number  190.400  active tuberculosis  199.170  activities of daily living  198.006
 activity  362.106  activity and use limitations  260.1003  acts knowingly  562.016
 acts of violence  160.261  acts purposely  562.016  acts recklessly  562.016
 acts with criminal negligence  562.016  actual charge  376.789  actual cost of the medical care or treatment  490.715
 actual damages  407.610537.127  actual direct compensatory damages  375.1184  actual fee  376.789
 actual notice in writing  570.120  actually innocent  650.058  actuarial certification  379.930
 actuarial cost  86.90086.1310  actuarial equivalent  70.60086.01086.20087.120104.010104.1027169.270169.410  actuarial reserves  103.003
 actuarial standards board  375.1503  actuarial tables  104.010  actuarial valuation  105.660
 actuary  103.003104.010104.1003105.660375.147375.1112  acupuncture  324.475  acupuncturist  324.475
 acute pain  195.010332.361  adaptive telecommunications equipment  209.251  addict  195.010
 addiction mitigation medication  195.206  additional qualified research expenses  620.1039  additional subsidies  215.300
 address  589.660  adequate and timely notice  535.081  adequate care  578.005
 adequate cause  565.002  adequate control  578.005  adequate food  273.325
 adequate guards or railing  306.126  adequate housing  273.325  adequate instruction  167.225
 adequate reinsurance  380.621  adequate response  376.1375  adequate rest between breeding cycles  273.345
 adequate water  273.325  adit  293.010  adjournment  351.268
 adjudicated  589.404  adjudicated delinquent  210.570589.404  adjudicated status offender  210.570
 adjudication  589.404  adjusted county average  66.620  adjusted for inflation  196.1000
 adjusted gross receipts  313.800  adjusted gross revenue  III Section 39(g)  adjusted operating levy  163.011
 adjusted prime rate charged by banks  32.065  adjusted purchase price  135.680  adjusted rbc report  375.1250
 adl  198.006  administer  195.010196.990XIV Section 1  administering agency  135.800215.300
 administering authority  590.502  administration of criminal justice  43.500  administration services  143.451
 administrative adjustment request  143.425  administrative employee  67.1175  administrative entity  630.005
 administrative fund  285.1000  administrative hearing commission  407.815407.1025  administrative law judge  287.812
 administrative leave  105.264  administrative segregation unit  217.010  administrator  198.006201.010376.1075385.200385.300385.403407.2030407.2060472.010475.380
 admission  144.010191.1150  admitted assets  375.345375.1072376.292  admitted insurer  384.015
 adnexa  336.010  adopted adult  453.121  adopted child  453.121
 adopter  173.955273.400  adoption assistance state  453.500  adult  192.2200194.210211.021404.007404.410431.058442.010452.1202455.010459.250475.010475.502589.506633.170
 adult animal  273.400  adult arcade  573.010  adult basic education  208.400
 adult bookstore  573.010  adult cabaret  67.2540226.531573.010  adult day care  192.2100
 adult day care program  192.2200  adult day care provider  192.2200  adult dropout recovery services  173.831
 adult high school  160.2700  adult motion picture theater  573.010  adult sibling  210.565453.121
 adult treatment court  478.001  adult video store  573.010  adulterated  265.300281.220570.010
 advance fee  367.300  advance gambling activity  572.010  advance health care directive  459.250
 advance health-care directive  194.290  advanced emergency medical technician  190.100190.900  advanced life support (als)  190.100
 advanced macro social worker  337.600  advanced placement examination  173.1352  advanced practice registered nurse  193.015335.016
 advanced recycling  260.200  advanced recycling facility  260.200  adversary probate proceeding  472.140
 adversary proceeding  105.450  adverse action  190.900324.087334.1203335.365337.105337.550337.1005338.075345.085375.918  adverse claim  400.8-102
 adverse determination  376.1350  adverse material fact  339.710  adverse party  456.1005
 adverse result  351.609  adverse underwriting decision  379.121  advertise  436.552
 advertisement  266.021332.321374.352407.010407.661407.730407.1070443.703  advertising  339.010  adviser  400.5-102
 advisory board  172.790172.800  advisory committee  191.1820620.1100620.3900  advisory council  178.550
 advisory organization  287.930379.328  advisory panel  192.131  aemt  190.100190.900
 aeronaut  305.010  aeronautics  305.120  aerospace project  620.2475
 affected business entity  143.436  affected land  444.510444.765444.805  affected persons  197.305
 affected small business  536.010  affected unit  288.500  affected with rabies  322.010
 affects small business  536.010  affidavit  575.010  affidavit of incapacity  456.6-603
 affiliate  143.451178.694188.015196.1000198.006351.459362.945375.772375.1025376.292376.1075379.083379.930379.1353379.1851381.029382.010386.754416.605428.009436.552443.703515.505620.3505  affiliate capital  620.3505  affiliate of a certified company  135.500
 affiliate of a declarant  448.1-103  affiliate of an insolvent insurer  375.772  affiliate of the vendor  34.040
 affiliated  375.1025376.1075379.930382.010  affiliated agreements  379.1353  affiliated business  381.029
 affiliated companies  143.2115  affiliated company  379.1300  affiliated entity  362.331362.950
 affiliated industry  323.010  affiliated licensee  339.710  affiliated person  144.030
 affiliation period  376.450  affirmation  486.600  affirmative defense  556.061
 affordability  644.145  affordable employer-sponsored health care insurance or other affordable health care coverage  208.640  affordable housing  215.263
 affordable housing assistance activities  32.105  affordable housing unit  32.105  affordable rent  215.300
 african-american history museum and cultural subdistrict  184.352  aftercare  630.810  after-care  191.1150
 aftercare supervision  219.011  aftermarket crash part  407.295  afternoon  400.4-104
 age  213.010  age- or developmentally appropriate activities  210.660  agencies  409.605
 agency  8.2878.3708.66023.16023.25336.02044.01067.106270.441103.003104.1063109.210135.1150181.100197.305198.640369.014536.010536.018  agency contract  436.218  agency of the state  36.020
 agency proceeding  536.085  agency shop  105.505  agency with jurisdiction  632.480
 agent  173.600194.210195.010196.525214.270261.130276.606304.900339.710409.605409.1-102441.500472.405562.056  agent of an owner of land  537.354  aggravated boating offender  577.001
 aggravated endangerment of a highway worker  304.585  aggravated offender  577.001  aggravated sexual offense  566.010
 aggregate  393.310  aggregate amount of medium to lower quality obligations  375.1072  aggregate demand deposits  362.010
 aggregator site  375.159  aggrieved party  400.1-201  aggrieved person  542.400
 agreement  70.120400.1-201400.2-106432.205620.800  agreement for electronic presentment  400.4-110  agribusiness  620.3505
 agrichemical facility  644.016  agricultural and horticultural property  137.016  agricultural business development loan  348.400
 agricultural commodities in bulk  390.020  agricultural commodity  30.860275.300  agricultural dam  236.400
 agricultural development loan  348.015  agricultural labor  288.034  agricultural land  261.130350.010442.566
 agricultural lien  400.9-102  agricultural limestone  266.505  agricultural liming material mixture  266.505
 agricultural liming materials  266.505  agricultural operation  261.130  agricultural operation and its appurtenances  537.295
 agricultural product  348.400  agricultural products  262.900265.010274.020  agricultural property  135.679348.015348.400
 agricultural purposes  142.800  agricultural seeds  266.021  agricultural tax credits  135.800
 agriculture  290.500  agritourism  262.001  agritourism activity  537.850
 ahera  643.020  aicpa  326.256375.1025  aicuz study  67.1200
 aids to navigation  306.124  aim zone  68.075  air ambulance pilot  173.260287.243
 air ambulance registered professional nurse  173.260287.243  air ambulance registered respiratory therapist  173.260287.243  air cleaning device  643.020
 air contaminant  643.020643.600  air contaminant source  643.020643.600  air pollution  643.020643.600
 aircraft  105.1077155.010305.010305.120  air-gap  115.013  air-gapped  115.013
 airline company  155.010  airman  305.120  airman certificate  305.120
 airport  67.1800143.2105305.120305.505  airport authority  67.1800305.120  airport hazard  67.1200305.505
 airport hazard area  67.1200  airport superintendent  305.800  airport taxicab  67.1800
 airport zone  305.400  alarm  455.010  alarm system  67.301
 alcohol  302.700  alcohol abuse  630.005  alcohol beverage vaporizer  579.099
 alcohol concentration  302.500302.700  alcohol or drug abuse facility  631.005  alcohol-related enforcement contacts  302.525
 alcohol-related traffic offense  595.010  alderman  78.010  alien  442.566
 alien captive insurance company  379.1300  alkaline battery  260.200  alkaline-manganese battery  260.200
 all retail sales subject to sales tax  190.462  alley  300.010  alley cropping  252.306
 alleyway  300.010  all-industry placement facility  379.815  allocable share  196.1000
 allocated interests  448.1-103  allocated loss adjustment expenses  375.1152  allowable cost  447.700
 allowable tradeable amount  476.419  allowance  70.600  all-terrain vehicle  300.010301.010407.815407.1025577.001
 alteration  400.3-407701.350  alterations  236.400  alternate base period  288.501
 alternate payee  513.430  alternative ballot  351.1003  alternative delivery health care program  103.003
 alternative fuel  142.800414.400  alternative fuel vehicle refueling property  135.710  alternative fuels  135.710
 alternative local exchange telecommunications company  386.020  alternative nicotine product  407.925  alternative operator services company  386.020
 alternative program  190.900324.087334.1203335.365337.550337.1005345.085  alternative service provider  392.460  alternatives to abortion agencies  188.335
 alternatives to abortion agency  188.125  aluminum smelting facility  91.026  alzheimer's disease and related disorders  172.800192.2100
 alzheimer's special care program  198.505  alzheimer's special care unit  198.505  amateur  317.001
 ambient air  643.020  ambulance  190.100190.800  ambulance service  190.100190.800574.204650.320
 ambulance service area  190.100  ambulatory review  376.1350  ambulatory surgical center  191.875191.940191.1150197.185197.200
 american employer  288.034  american indian  407.315  american indian tribe  407.315
 american pyrotechnics association (apa), standard 87-1  320.106  american savings promotion act  408.800  american sign language  209.285
 american society for testing and materials (astm)  414.012  ammunition  571.063  amount  144.810
 amount in dispute  287.390  amount recovered  34.378  amusement ride  316.203
 an officer  100.296  analog equipment  137.078  anatomical gift  194.210
 ancillary agreement  393.1700  ancillary infusion equipment and supplies  338.400  ancillary parcel  141.220
 ancillary state  375.950375.1152  anemometer  701.550  anemometer tower  701.550
 anesthesiologist  334.400  anesthesiologist assistant  334.400  anesthesiologist assistant supervision agreement  334.400
 animal  267.565269.010269.021273.325281.020281.220340.200566.111578.005578.029578.405  animal chiropractic  331.020340.200  animal chiropractic practitioner  331.020340.200
 animal facility  578.405  animal shelter  273.325578.005  animal units  640.703
 animal waste wet handling facility  640.703  animal welfare official  273.325  animal,  578.170
 annex areas  8.007  announcement date  351.459  annual appropriation level  208.046
 annual audited financial report  375.1057  annual claims  537.675  annual general operating revenue  479.350
 annual returns filed following the close of such fiscal year  136.405  annual salary rate  169.056  annuity  50.100056.80557.94970.60086.010104.010104.1003379.1300
 annuity issuer  407.1060  annuity reserve  86.010  annuity starting date  104.010104.1003
 annuity, pension, retirement benefit, or retirement allowance  143.124  anomalous endorsement  400.3-205  anonymous evidentiary collection kit  595.220
 answer  452.300  antenna  67.509267.5111  antibiogram  192.131
 anticancer medications  376.1257  antidote  281.220  antimicrobial  192.131
 antique firearm  571.010  antique, curio or relic firearm  571.010  antiterrorism activities  41.033
 any other state  143.871  apiary  264.021  api-asme  650.205
 appeals tribunal  288.030  appears in person before the notary  486.1100  appliance  144.526
 applicable agency  620.3900  applicable analog fraction  137.078  applicable analog percentage  137.078
 applicable codes  67.5111  applicable digital fraction  137.078  applicable federal law  105.300
 applicable loan  348.230  applicable percentage  135.500135.680253.545348.251620.3505  applicant  43.53943.54067.300067.509267.511199.1205105.1600210.493260.200301.069313.800334.400334.735340.200348.272376.854376.1100400.5-102417.005447.700620.3900640.153640.651700.650
 applicant group  324.047  applicants  67.3000  application  67.509267.5111454.1680620.800
 application assistant  589.660  application cycle  640.651  applicator, operator or technician  281.020
 applied behavior analysis  337.300376.1224  applied research  348.251  appointed actuary  376.365
 appointed member of the board  340.200  appointed official  313.004  appointee  456.975
 appointing authority  36.020476.800  appointive property  456.975  apportionable income  143.455
 appraisal  162.1130339.503  appraisal assignment  339.503  appraisal firm  339.503
 appraisal foundation  339.503  appraisal management company  339.503  appraisal management services  339.503
 appraisal report  339.503  appraisal standards board (asb)  339.503  appraiser  141.220339.503
 appraiser panel  339.503  appraiser qualifications board (aqb)  339.503  apprehension  40.020
 apprentice  135.457329.010341.090  apprenticeship  324.025  apprenticeship training program  620.515
 approaches  88.867  appropriate  570.010  appropriate authority in the receiving state  210.630
 appropriate consideration  105.688214.160  appropriate court  217.495  appropriate evidence of appointment or incumbency  400.8-402
 appropriate medical provider  192.2520595.220  appropriate officer  130.011VIII Section 23  appropriate officers  130.011VIII Section 23
 appropriate person  400.8-107  appropriate pretax revenues  393.1000393.1009393.1503  appropriate public authorities  210.630
 appropriate quantity  217.199221.065  appropriate services  192.2100  appropriate vocational testing  287.144
 appropriately trained and qualified individual  198.006  approval  67.140168.205335.016620.1878620.1910  approval of the required majority  67.186271.800184.805238.202
 approve  67.1401  approved  307.020  approved by or approval by the members  355.066
 approved charter school  167.241167.895  approved dual credit provider  173.2500  approved dual enrollment provider  173.2500
 approved health care provider  334.506  approved institution  173.250  approved institution of higher education  173.955
 approved laboratory  267.565  approved mortgagor  215.010  approved placement  210.620
 approved private institution  173.1102  approved program provider  173.831  approved provider  189.010
 approved public institution  173.1102  approved vaccine  267.565  approved virtual institution  173.1102
 approximate location  319.015  approximate original contour  444.805  aprn  335.016
 aquaculture  277.024  aquaculture facility  644.016  aquifer  640.403
 architect  327.011  architectural services  8.287  area  267.670353.020578.110
 area agency board  192.2005  area agency on aging  192.2005  area of defined need  191.1050
 area of operation  99.02099.320  area of sales responsibility  407.1320  area of the state  643.020
 area surrounding the anchor point  701.550  areas of defined need  191.603340.337  areas of high incidents of crime and deteriorating infrastructure  650.550
 areas subject to natural flooding  256.170  arm chuck of beef  265.490  armed forces of the united states  285.235
 armed nuclear security guard  563.011  arranged  408.400  arrearage  454.1000568.040
 arrest  40.025195.146610.100  arrest report  610.100  arresting officer  577.001
 art dealer  407.900  art museum subdistrict  184.352  articles  351.1003355.066
 articles of incorporation  351.015355.066393.827393.903394.070  articles of organization  347.015  artist  407.900
 as custodian under the missouri uniform gifts to minors law  404.087  asbestos  643.020  asbestos abatement  643.020
 asbestos abatement contractor  643.020  asbestos abatement projects  643.020  asbestos abatement supervisor  643.020
 asbestos abatement worker  643.020  asbestos air sampling professional  643.020  asbestos air sampling technician  643.020
 asbestos-containing material  643.020  ascendant  528.700  ascertainable standard  456.1-103
 as-extracted collateral  400.9-102  ashes  64.460  asl  161.396
 asme  650.205  assault  455.010  assault offense  565.079
 assault with the intent to commit bus hijacking  577.703  assay  338.400  assess or assessment  204.650
 assessed valuation  48.010  assessed value  67.1401  assessment  100.710208.895210.620263.503362.010380.201
 assessment and treatment services for children  210.110  assessment contract  67.2800  assessor  92.710
 assessor or assessing officer  53.250  assessor-elect  53.250  asset  428.009
 asset disregard  208.690  asset of the authority  173.355  asset test  208.780
 asset-backed security  376.292469.449  assets  217.827221.120  assigned counsel  600.011
 assignee  393.1700  assignment  376.778403.250454.415454.495  assist or initiate the transmission  407.1123
 assist the purchaser in finding locations  409.1000  assist the transmission  407.1120  assistance  473.399
 assistance animal  209.204  assistant physician  193.015334.036334.038  assistant physician collaborative practice arrangement  334.036
 assistant public defender  600.011  assisted living facility  198.006  assistive device  407.950
 assistive device dealer  407.950  assistive device lessor  407.950  assistive technology device  161.900
 assistive technology service  161.900  associate  351.459381.029  associated funerary objects  194.400
 association  148.610274.020285.1000287.245369.014369.049369.191369.670375.772376.718379.1300383.150436.350448.1-103  association captive insurance company  379.1300  association of state and provincial psychology boards (asppb)  337.105
 assuming insurer  375.1285  assumption reinsurance agreement  375.1285  asymmetric conduct  376.2051
 asynchronous store-and-forward transfer  191.1145  at will  400.1-309400.2A-109  athlete  334.702
 athlete agent  436.218  athletic director  436.218  athletic trainer  334.702
 athletic training student  334.702  athletics  163.048  at-risk  167.273
 at-risk behavioral health patient  190.240  attendance  162.303  attendance center  167.125167.895
 attending physician  190.600376.1210459.010  attest  326.256  attest services  326.256
 attorney for the state  195.010  attorney in fact  404.703  auctioneer  343.010
 audiologist  345.015345.085346.010  audiology  345.085  audiology aide  345.015
 audiology and speech-language pathology compact commission  345.085  audiology and speech-language pathology licensing board,  345.085  audiology licensing board,  345.085
 audiovisual recording function  570.302  audiovisual works  570.225  audit  29.005
 audit committee  375.1025  audited financial report  375.1025  audited partnership  143.425
 auditor  276.401  auricular detox technician  324.475  auricular detox treatment  324.475
 authentic american indian art or craft  407.315  authenticate  400.9-102  authority  8.50530.86067.65167.78167.280067.450067.509267.511190.75099.02099.32099.91899.1000100.310135.679135.686173.355260.005305.505348.015348.400348.430348.432348.491360.015417.350571.510640.651
 authority airport  305.505  authority pole  67.5111  authority to practice interjurisdictional telepsychology  337.105
 authority wireless support structure  67.5111  authorized account  400.4A-105  authorized agency  589.200
 authorized agent  214.270276.401411.026  authorized control level event  375.1260  authorized control level rbc  375.1250
 authorized delegate  361.906  authorized driver  407.730  authorized electronic monitoring  198.610
 authorized emergency vehicle  300.010  authorized entity  196.990  authorized farm corporation  350.010
 authorized internet website  313.905  authorized lender  443.901  authorized officer  105.273
 authorized official  264.021  authorized party  59.480  authorized person  319.078347.015
 authorized representative  362.1015700.010  authorized shares  351.015  authorized to acquire the deed  140.405
 autism  633.220  autism service provider  376.1224  autism spectrum disorder  161.825633.200633.210
 autism spectrum disorders  376.1224  autocycle  301.010304.005  autogas  323.010
 automated teller machine  362.111370.073  automated transaction  432.205  automatic tabulating equipment  115.013
 automatic transfer device  701.350  automobile graveyard  226.660  automobile insurance policy  379.130
 automobile transporter  301.010  auxiliary aids and services  209.261476.750  auxiliary lamp  307.020
 auxiliary power  393.106  availability  304.154  available income  208.150
 available receiving district  167.895  avca  340.200  avenue  214.070
 average and excess method  393.1620  average annual payroll  288.124  average base rate  393.1655
 average compensation  104.010169.600  average cost per graduate  173.831  average daily attendance  163.011
 average daily money transmission liability  361.906  average earnings  287.021  average final compensation  50.100056.80557.94986.01086.20087.120169.270169.410
 average net fair market value  469.411  average overall rate  393.1655  average rider rate  393.1655
 average tuition  173.1003  average wage  135.950620.1878620.2005  aviation fuel  142.800155.010414.255
 aviation turbine fuel (jet fuel)  414.012  avoided fuel cost  386.890  axle load  301.010304.180
 b-20  414.365414.407414.433  b99  135.775135.778  back of beef  265.490
 backgrounded  135.679  backhaul  301.010  bacteria  281.220
 bactericide  281.220  bacterin  267.565  bail bond agent  374.700
 bail bond or appearance bond  374.700  bailee  400.7-102  baiting,  578.170
 baked good  196.298  ballot  115.013  ballot label  115.013
 ballot measure  130.011  bank  313.800362.010362.331362.332362.910362.945369.089400.1-201400.4-105400.4A-105400.9-102408.015409.1-102469.240  bank holding company  362.910362.945
 bank secrecy act  361.906  banker's credit  400.2-325  banking day  400.4-104
 banking institution  148.020362.034  banking organization  447.503  bankrupt  358.020
 bankruptcy  347.015  bar  191.765  barber  328.010
 barber establishment  328.010  bargaining unit  105.500  barrel  414.012
 base employment  620.3505  base investment  135.753  base payroll  620.3505
 base pension  86.122086.1590  base period  288.030  base premium rate  379.930
 base rate  288.110379.888  base revenue  620.3505  base station  67.5092
 base taxable sales  620.3505  base year  348.251  base year gross wages  348.251
 base year port cargo volume  143.2105  based  137.095  baseline requirement  105.1600
 baseline weight  135.679  baseline year  99.91899.100099.1082251.603  basic access line  660.138
 basic health care services  354.400  basic illustration  375.1503  basic interexchange telecommunications service  386.020
 basic life support (bls)  190.100  basic local telecommunications service  386.020  basic property insurance  379.815
 basic research  348.251  basic rights information  566.200  basic telecommunications access line  209.251
 battery  455.010  battery-charged fence  67.301  bear wrestling,  578.170
 bearer  400.1-201  bearer form  400.8-102  because  213.010285.575
 because of  213.010285.575  bedding  421.005  bedroom  135.220
 beekeeper  264.021  beekeeping equipment  264.021  beer bong  306.109
 bees  264.021  beginning farmer  143.121  behavioral therapy  191.1164
 beneficial insects  281.020281.220  beneficial interest  513.605  beneficial owner  351.459
 beneficial shareholder  351.870  beneficiary  70.60086.01086.20086.90086.131087.120104.010104.1003166.410166.502169.270169.410287.812354.010362.332376.450400.4A-103400.5-102402.200404.410436.405456.1-103461.005469.401476.515  beneficiary access  208.183
 beneficiary designation  461.005  beneficiary with a disability  456.4-419  beneficiary's bank  400.4A-103
 beneficiation  444.352444.765  benefit  287.812354.400376.1350476.515  benefit contract  378.604
 benefit member  378.604  benefit plan  376.718376.960404.007404.410  benefit program  70.600
 benefit recipient  104.1093434.300  benefit reserve  87.120  benefit year  288.030
 benefits  143.125166.410166.502208.060209.600288.030475.380  benefits deductible  376.397  benevolent gestures  538.229
 best management practices  254.020  best meets the needs of the* governmental unit  8.235  between merchants  400.2-104
 bicycle  307.180  bid  407.350  biennial assembly  104.010
 bill  21.600  bill of lading  400.1-201  bill of sale  417.350
 bingo  313.005  bingo card  313.005  bingo card monitoring device  313.005
 bingo equipment  313.005  bingo sheet  313.005  biodiesel  142.031414.365414.407414.433
 biodiesel blend  135.775  biodiesel fuel  135.775135.778  biogas  386.895
 biological parent  453.121  biological product  338.085  biological sex  191.1720
 biomass  386.895  biomass facility  620.2300  biometric data  302.170
 bioreactor  260.200  bioterrorism  44.010190.091  bird  267.565
 birthing facility  192.380  blackjack  571.010  blackmail  566.200
 blackout date  407.730  blackwater  701.025  blanket easement  523.282
 blanket travel insurance  375.159  blanket-exercise clause  456.975  blast  319.303
 blast site  319.303  blaster  319.303  blasting  319.303
 blasting agent  571.010  bleeding disorder  338.400  blend stock  142.800
 blended fuel  142.800  blender  142.800  blending  142.800
 blighted  99.020  blighted area  67.140199.32099.80599.91899.1082100.310135.950262.900353.020  blind  209.040
 blind bidding  407.350  blind or visually impaired student  167.225  blind person  8.700
 blind persons or visually impaired persons  209.192  blindness skills specialist in education  162.1130  blood clotting product  338.400
 blood tests  210.817  blood-borne pathogens  191.640  blue dot tail light  301.132
 board  8.3708.5058.66050.100056.80557.94967.75067.140167.186267.195068.20570.60086.90086.131091.630100.255100.710103.003104.010104.1003105.500105.660108.1000135.950141.220161.214166.410166.502167.850169.010169.600173.100173.234173.236173.260173.355173.600173.754173.778173.2500173.2553177.088178.411184.352184.805190.290190.460191.756192.703209.285209.600210.171217.010219.011238.202238.302251.500251.603256.453256.603262.826285.1000287.223287.812295.020316.203319.100319.303321.010324.050324.128324.240324.475324.1100326.256327.011328.010329.010330.010331.020332.011333.011334.020334.043334.105334.252334.500334.702334.800335.016335.200336.010337.300338.165338.700340.200344.010345.015345.052346.010351.1003355.066369.014376.960379.930402.200436.405443.703476.575536.010537.700620.3210632.550650.205650.320650.451701.350  board of commissioners  141.220650.390  board of curators  172.790172.800
 board of directors  50.100057.94967.1950355.066  board of education  168.104169.022169.270169.410  board of geologist registration  256.453
 board of police commissioners  86.01086.51086.90086.1310  board of regents  169.410  board of soil and water district supervisors  278.070
 board of trade  409.800  board of trustees  56.80570.60086.01086.20087.120104.010104.1003169.270169.410182.701204.455205.975402.200620.800  board personnel  324.001
 boarding kennel  273.325  boards  109.210  boat  32.08566.630144.025144.027144.071238.410
 boat dealer  301.550407.1360  boat dock  339.503  boat manufacturer  301.550407.1360
 boat slip  339.503  boat transporter  301.010  boats  306.250
 body cavity search  544.193  body parts  269.010  body piercing  324.520
 body shop  301.010  boiler  650.205  bold letters  407.485
 boll weevil  263.503  bona fide association  376.450379.930  bona fide offer  67.1600
 bond  67.65167.280099.320100.310393.705  bond resolution  173.355  bondholder  393.1700
 bonds  8.50599.020260.005348.015393.705  booking photograph  407.1150  bookmaking  572.010
 books  173.234  books and records  362.1105  bore hole  319.303
 born  565.300  borrower  30.860100.255173.100348.015367.300367.500407.2030443.055443.703620.1048640.651  botanical garden subdistrict  184.352
 boundary adjustment  72.400  boundary change  72.400  bout  317.001
 box cut  444.510  boxing  317.001  boycott israel  34.600
 boycott of the state of israel  34.600  boycott, coercion, intimidation  375.936  braille  162.1130167.225
 brain injury  192.735199.001  branch  369.014400.1-201  branch business  379.1300
 branch captive insurance company  379.1300  branch office  197.250409.850  branch operations  379.1300
 brand  260.1053266.505268.011311.070III Section 39(g)  brand family  196.1020  brand name  266.160
 branding  324.520  breach  407.1500  breach of security  407.1500
 break in service  169.270  breakage  313.500  breast tomosynthesis  376.782
 bridges  94.60094.700389.991  broad classification band  36.020  broadband network  392.245
 broadcast commercials  407.730  broadcast equipment  144.811  broadcast towers  137.078
 broadcaster  190.260  broker  400.8-102404.007404.410427.300  broker disclosure form  339.710
 broker price opinion  339.503  brokerage relationship  339.710  broker-dealer  409.605409.1-102
 brokered  443.901  bse (vet science)  338.010  budget officer  50.530
 build america bonds  108.1000  builder  8.800  building  137.177640.651
 building official  99.875  building permit  67.5092  bulk  266.505
 bulk meat  265.490  bulk milk  416.410  bulk milk handler  416.410
 bulk milk truck operator  196.525  bulk plant  142.800  bulk transfer  142.800
 bulk transfer/terminal system  142.800  bulletin  361.106374.015  bullion  144.815
 bullying  160.775192.2400  burden  319.303  burden of establishing  400.1-201
 burden of injecting the issue  556.061  bureau  210.817  burial lots  208.010
 burial merchandise  214.270  burial service  214.270574.160  burial space  214.270
 bus  301.010304.044577.700  bus transportation company  577.700  bushel  265.010
 business  67.604144.010347.015358.020427.300454.440490.670523.205536.070537.785573.024  business association  447.503  business combination  351.459407.292
 business credit  447.503  business day  319.303375.1191407.325407.671407.705407.1240452.350454.505454.530  business district  300.010
 business entity  105.450135.326285.525339.150351.1003375.012376.292376.311379.083385.200  business firm  32.105  business income  32.200143.022
 business license tax  92.077  business loan  408.015  business of waste cleanup of environmental hazard  260.552
 business opportunity  409.1000  business or agricultural loan transaction  443.055  business personal property  137.079137.122
 business purpose transaction  427.300  business recruitment tax credits  135.800  business unit  143.1100
 business with which a person is associated  105.450  businesses, services, activities, or accommodations  537.1000  butterfly ballot  115.420
 button cell  260.200  button cell battery  260.200  buyer  265.490276.401365.020400.2-103407.292407.325407.635407.671407.738408.250
 buyer in ordinary course of business  400.1-201400.2A-103  buyer of gold, silver, or platinum  407.292  buyer's agent  339.710
 buyer's guide  376.704  buying  400.2A-103  buying club  407.671
 buying service  407.671  bvms  338.010  bvse  338.010
 bylaws  210.570334.1610337.105351.1003355.066374.352  by-laws  589.506  c.&f.  400.2-320
 c.f.  400.2-320  c.i.f.  400.2-320  cable operator  67.2677
 cable system  67.2677  cable television service  386.020  cadastral parcel mapping  60.670
 cafe standard  414.400  calendar quarter  144.605288.030  caller identification service  407.1070407.1095
 campaign committee  115.157130.011VIII Section 23  campground  94.80294.870419.090436.100  campground owner  419.090
 camping  537.328  camping trailer  407.1320  cancellation  400.2-106400.2A-103
 cancellation fee waiver  375.159  candidate  105.533115.157130.011VIII Section 23  candidate committee  130.011VIII Section 23
 canned food  192.081537.115  canoe  537.327  canoeing, rafting, kayaking, or tubing  537.327
 cap  375.345  capable of independent verification  486.900  capable of use as human food  265.300
 capable public utility  393.146  capital  367.500369.014384.015  capital and surplus  376.292
 capital asset  94.575  capital expenditure  197.305  capital improvement projects  166.300
 capital improvements  94.575  capital in a qualified missouri business  135.500  capital investment  143.2115620.1910620.3505
 capital stock  369.014  capital stock association  369.014  capital stock tax  32.200
 capital, cultural, and special law enforcement purpose expenditures  313.800  capitol complex  620.3210  captions  170.135
 captive insurance company  379.1300  captive insurers  382.400  captive wildlife  144.010
 car rental company  407.730  car rental insurance  407.730  carcass  269.010
 cardholder  407.432  cardiopulmonary resuscitation  190.600  care  43.539207.020260.700260.705376.900
 care for a term of years  376.900  care for life  376.900  care provider  632.392
 career pathways coursework  173.831  career placement services  173.831  caregiver  191.1150210.660
 caretaker relative  454.455  caretaking authority  452.1202  carrier  376.387376.393376.427379.930389.991400.7-102
 carrier of last resort  386.020  carries  472.405  casa  135.341
 case characteristics  379.930  case management  208.151376.1350  case manager  208.400
 cash  130.011VIII Section 23  cash dividend  376.704  cash equivalents  376.292
 cash price  407.661  cash proceeds  400.9-102  cash sale price  365.020408.250
 cashier's check  381.410400.3-104  cask  260.392  casualty insurance  377.020
 catalogue of electronic communications  472.405  catastrophe  574.080  catastrophic crime  650.300
 catastrophic personal injury  538.205  cattle  267.010  cave or cavern  569.010
 cave system  569.137  ccr unit  260.242  cdc guidelines  338.730
 cdl driver  302.700  cdlis driver record  302.700  cdlis motor vehicle record (cdlis mvr)  302.700
 ceded reinsurance agreements  379.1353  ceding company  379.1353  cemetery  214.270
 cemetery association  214.270  cemetery operator  214.270  cemetery prearranged contract  214.270
 cemetery service  214.270  center  348.272589.015589.300  center for advanced technology  348.272
 center for excellence for life sciences research  196.1106  center of the county road  263.245  center of youth activities  407.925
 centers  178.651  centers for independent living  178.651  central authority  454.1680
 central business (or traffic) district  300.010  central business district  99.91899.1082  central credit union  370.365
 central hospital  340.200  central registry  210.110  central repository  43.50067.1800650.100
 certificate  99.1205135.400135.1125135.1150135.1180173.600178.935263.503326.256339.503374.500375.932375.1002375.1300376.854376.1100378.604390.020486.600620.800620.2600620.3210  certificate form  376.854  certificate holder  339.503376.891379.108
 certificate inspection  650.205  certificate of approval  173.600  certificate of clearance  259.050
 certificate of deposit  144.087288.032400.3-104  certificate of exemption  144.030  certificate of insurance  379.108
 certificate of limited partnership  359.011  certificate of need  197.305  certificate of participation  67.1600
 certificate of registration  256.453  certificate of stock  351.015  certificate of title  367.500400.9-102
 certificated security  400.8-102  certificates  100.710  certification  37.020190.900209.285324.047334.735376.1350404.805
 certification report  256.603  certified applicator  281.020  certified appraisal report  339.503
 certified capital  135.500  certified capital company  135.500  certified check  400.3-409
 certified clinical nurse specialist  335.016  certified commercial applicator  281.020  certified dental assistant  332.011
 certified disaster volunteer  105.267  certified free herd  267.565  certified funds  381.410
 certified historic structure  253.545  certified mail  1.020141.440141.500472.010  certified mail with return receipt requested  1.020
 certified mentor  324.240  certified noncommercial applicator  281.020  certified nurse midwife  335.016
 certified nurse practitioner  335.016  certified nursing assistant  198.082  certified prescribed burn manager  537.354
 certified private applicator  281.020  certified provisional private applicator  281.020  certified public accountant  276.401326.256411.026
 certified public accounting firm  326.256  certified public operator  281.020  certified registered nurse anesthetist  335.016
 certified respiratory therapist  334.800  certified scabies free area  267.670  certified seed  266.021
 certified service provider  144.140  certified sponsor  67.3000  certified sponsors  67.3000
 certifying entity  324.050324.900334.735334.800337.300  cftc rule  409.800  cgad  382.605
 chain of custody  288.045  chairperson  217.650  change his or her political party affiliation  115.168
 chapter  104.010  characteristics of commercial impact  265.525  characterized by  573.010
 charge  537.345  charge data  192.665  charges  436.552
 charges by payer  192.665  charitable gift annuity  352.500  charitable organization  313.005407.453
 charitable purpose  402.130407.453  charitable trust  402.200456.1-103  charter  577.700
 charter member states  337.1005  charter school  169.270169.410  charter service  390.020
 chattel paper  400.9-102  chauffeur  303.020  cheat  313.800
 check  130.011400.3-104400.3-312400.4-110570.010  chemical composition  320.106  chemical dependency  376.810376.1550
 chemical restraint  198.073630.005  chief  106.273  chief administrative officer  217.010
 chief engineer  236.400  chief executive  67.65167.1800  chief executive officer  375.537
 chief law enforcement official  217.695589.404  chief legal counsel  287.812  child  135.326192.2550196.1127201.010208.991210.110210.201210.481210.560210.620210.620210.700210.1253211.021211.442211.447219.011287.243294.011352.400431.058452.705452.1202453.015453.065453.090454.1000454.1503455.010456.5-503472.010491.678491.696491.725565.002568.040573.010595.010632.550633.170
 child abuse medical resource centers  334.950  child advocacy centers  135.341  child booster seat  307.179
 child care  210.201  child care facility  210.201566.148  child care provider  210.201210.1080
 child care staff member  210.1080  child custody determination  452.705  child custody proceeding  452.705
 child health supervision services  376.801  child passenger restraint system  307.179  child placing agency  210.481
 child pornography  573.010  child support order  454.1503  child-care facility  210.201
 child-care provider  210.900  child-care worker  210.900  childhood sexual abuse  537.046
 child-occupied facility  701.300  children  208.631208.991  children of military families  160.2000
 children with disabilities  162.675  children's services providers and agencies  210.110  chill room  196.450
 chip  407.432  chip-eligible children  208.991  chiropractor  191.603
 chlorinated dry-cleaning solvent  260.900  chronic boating offender  577.001  chronic offender  577.001
 church  XIV Section 1XIV Section 2  church plan  376.960379.930  cigar  149.011
 cigarette  149.011196.1000196.1020320.350  circuit clerk  92.710141.220  circuit court  302.010478.012545.015
 circus  578.600  citation  544.046  cities  86.90086.1310
 citizen's land development cooperative  620.850  city  67.60467.62867.63867.65167.97067.106267.130567.180086.90086.131087.12092.32592.40094.50094.60094.70099.020100.310137.557137.558184.352226.950247.030251.473260.200353.020573.505  city clerk  88.867
 city council  88.867  city engineer  88.867  city transit authority  94.60094.700
 city utilities board  94.60094.700  civil air patrol  41.970  civil disorder  574.070
 civil proceeding  513.605  civil subdivision  226.010  claim  190.250191.900347.141351.478355.696358.371376.778428.009430.225507.060515.505537.595
 claim of beneficial interest  403.250  claim of creditor  456.975  claimant  135.010184.102276.401288.030367.044375.772376.383400.3-312411.026436.350537.296595.010
 claimant's address  184.102  claims  385.020472.010475.010  claims administrator  103.003
 claims handling operations  44.114  claims incurred  385.020  class  36.020355.066376.421
 class 1 electric bicycle  300.010301.010  class 2 electric bicycle  300.010301.010  class 3 electric bicycle  300.010301.010
 class a source  643.020  class a1 source  643.020  class a2 source  643.020
 class a3 source  643.020  class average base rate  393.1655  class average overall rate  393.1655
 class average rider rate  393.1655  class b hospital pharmacy  338.220  class b source  643.020
 class ca - hairdressing and manicuring  329.010  class ch - hairdresser  329.010  class cost of service study  393.1620
 class e - estheticians  329.010  class i milk  262.700  class ia  640.703
 class ib  640.703  class ic  640.703  class ii  640.703
 class life  137.122  class mo - manicurist  329.010  class of business  379.930
 class of positions  36.020  class one bond mutual fund  376.292  class one money market mutual fund  376.292
 classification  287.930379.888  classification system  287.930379.888  classroom instruction  170.231
 clean claim  376.383  clean energy conduit financing  67.2800  clean energy development board  67.2800
 clean fill  260.200  clean screen program  643.303  cleanup  260.360260.500
 clean-up  260.705  cleanup costs  260.500  clear and conspicuous  407.730
 clearing corporation  400.8-102400.8-117  clearing house  400.4-104  clearly audible  332.321
 clearly legible  332.321  clerk  99.02099.320100.310472.010483.310  client  285.705324.1100326.256339.710566.200630.005
 client/patient  337.105  clinic  430.225  clinical fellowship  345.015
 clinical peer  376.1350  clinical practice of chiropractic  376.423  clinical review criteria  376.1350
 clinical social work  337.600  clinical staff  191.1145  cloning  1.217
 close  196.250260.700  close and substantial relationship  452.1224  close nonrelated person  453.072
 closed  260.700  closed bank  362.107  closed captions  170.135
 closed container  414.012  closed loop stored value  361.906  closed meeting  610.010
 closed or exclusive provider network  376.325  closed place  311.290  closed plan  104.1003
 closed record  610.010610.225  closed vote  610.010  closing  260.700
 closing date  130.011  closure  260.200260.705444.352  closure plan  260.200
 clothing  144.049  club  407.671  coaching  173.831
 coal combustion residual (ccr) unit  260.242  coal mine  293.010  coal preparation area  444.805
 coal preparation area reclamation  444.805  cobra continuation provision  376.450  code  67.280108.500315.005376.292393.1700407.1060472.010700.010
 code enforcement agency  441.500  code or ordinance violation  82.1027  codification  71.940
 codis  650.100  coemployer  285.705  coemployment relationship  285.705
 coerce  407.815407.1025  coercion  455.010566.200570.010  cohort  173.831
 coin-operated amusement device  144.518  cold storage warehouse  265.300  collaborative practice arrangement  334.735
 collar  375.345  collateral  375.1605400.9-102427.115528.700544.046  collateral charges  407.560407.585
 collateral costs  407.950  collateral kinship  362.1015  collateral protection coverage  427.115
 collected funds  570.220  collecting bank  400.4-105  collecting officer  99.80599.91899.1000251.603
 collective bargaining  295.020  collective bargaining agreement  290.210  collector  92.710140.665141.220
 college  340.337  college textbook  173.955  collision  577.300
 collision damage waiver  407.730  collocate  67.5111  collocation  67.509267.5111
 colony  264.021  color of law  590.502  columbarium  214.270
 combat veteran  173.234173.900  combat zone  143.121  combative fighting  317.001
 combustible liquid  414.012  commanding officer  40.00541.753  commencement  452.705
 commencement of commercial operations  135.100135.950144.810  commencement of operations  620.1878620.2005  commencement of rehabilitation  253.559
 commensurate wage  178.935  commerce  407.010  commercial  379.815
 commercial activity located in missouri  348.300348.300  commercial aircraft  155.010  commercial auto coverage  303.430
 commercial breeder  273.325  commercial casualty  379.321  commercial casualty insurance  379.882379.888
 commercial domicile  32.200143.114143.455  commercial driver's instruction permit  302.700  commercial driver's license (cdl)  302.700
 commercial driver's license downgrade  302.700  commercial driver's license information system (cdlis)  302.700  commercial electronic mail  407.1135
 commercial electronic mail message  407.1120  commercial feed  266.160  commercial film and photographic print processor  556.061
 commercial financing facility  427.300  commercial financing transaction  427.300  commercial kennel  273.325
 commercial loan  427.300  commercial mortgage loan  376.292  commercial motor vehicle  301.010302.010302.700304.822
 commercial open-end credit plan  427.300  commercial or industrial activities  226.540  commercial persons  435.465
 commercial plant  265.300  commercial producer  275.452275.460  commercial property  379.321
 commercial purpose  444.765  commercial purposes  115.158302.170  commercial quantity  275.300
 commercial real estate  339.710429.603  commercial relationship  407.558  commercial sex act  566.010566.200
 commercial tort claim  400.9-102  commercial transaction  407.2020  commercial unit  400.2-105400.2A-103
 commercial vehicle  300.010  commercial vehicle enforcement officers  304.001  commercial vehicle inspectors  304.001
 commercial weighing and measuring equipment  413.005  commercial zone  304.190390.020  commercialization  348.251
 commercially reasonable  375.1605  commingled goods  400.9-336  commission  32.10537.01342.00253.25067.60467.62867.97067.180070.32770.50070.51572.40091.026105.450109.210135.350137.022137.1003161.400184.352184.500190.900191.025208.530209.251209.285213.010215.010226.010226.195226.950227.600229.475238.202238.302252.020254.020260.360260.700260.705260.900262.215262.700286.001287.020288.030290.400294.011302.133304.001313.005313.205313.500313.800313.905323.010324.087334.1203337.105337.550337.1005339.010339.503339.710345.015345.052345.085374.352386.020386.890388.610393.137393.298393.310393.358393.705393.1000393.1009393.1025393.1075393.1400393.1503393.1610393.1620393.1650393.1656393.1670393.1700407.911444.510444.765444.805486.600537.675590.010600.011620.582620.850620.2300620.3300630.005640.102643.020644.016660.138700.010700.650III Section 39(g)
 commission marketing order  262.700  commission,  227.552  commissioner  37.450167.850173.355210.570226.010262.215313.205334.1610337.105374.352386.020409.800409.1-102589.506
 commissioner of administration  476.515  commissions  427.220  commit  219.011
 commitment  381.015  commitment in principle  215.010  committed contributions  620.638
 committee  23.25343.500130.011173.600191.300192.703209.285324.200324.475332.302334.702337.010337.300337.600337.700338.380379.930VIII Section 23  committee or board  337.500  commodities  34.070
 commodities in bulk  390.020  commodity  409.800416.021  commodity account  400.9-102
 commodity contract  375.1152400.9-102409.800  commodity customer  400.9-102  commodity exchange act  409.800
 commodity futures trading commission  409.800  commodity intermediary  400.9-102  commodity merchandising council  275.300275.357
 commodity merchant  409.800  commodity option  409.800  common area  311.086
 common carrier  149.011390.020523.262622.100  common eating and drinking area  311.096  common elements  448.010448.1-103
 common enterprise  409.1-102  common entity  407.815  common expense liability  448.1-103
 common expenses  448.1-103  common interest community  260.1003  common ownership and control  379.1326
 common paymaster  288.030  common stock  351.459  common-interest community  71.012
 communicable disease  191.630  communicable disease tests  191.630  communicate  400.8-102400.9-102
 communicating or attempting to communicate  436.245  communication common carrier  542.400  communication technology  486.1100
 communications facility  67.5111  communications service  190.400  communications service provider  67.5111190.400
 community  67.28067.185082.103599.32099.610100.560256.670441.500  community action agency  660.370  community action program  660.370
 community affairs  251.020  community bank  135.400  community based treatment  219.011
 community college  163.191  community college district  169.600  community development corporation  135.400
 community development tax credits  135.800  community mausoleum  214.270  community mental health center  205.975376.810
 community organization  67.1600  community paramedic  190.100  community service programs  620.582
 community service work  537.602  community services  32.105  community spouse  208.010
 community water system  640.141  community work experience program  208.400  community-based assessment  198.006
 community-based faculty preceptor  135.690  community-based health maintenance organization  354.400  community-based organization  208.750620.3300
 community-based substance use disorder treatment program  478.001  compact  262.700  compact administrator  210.570589.506
 compact commission  337.1005  compact commissioner  160.2000  compact facility  260.700
 compact over-order price  262.700  compact privilege  324.087334.1203345.085  compact region  70.327
 compact state  337.105  compacting state  210.570374.352589.506  company  34.600287.921362.910374.202376.365436.552577.700
 company action level event  375.1255  company action level rbc  375.1250  company owned land  444.510
 comparable  137.115  comparable farm machinery  407.585  comparable motor vehicle  407.560
 comparable ordinance violation  43.500  comparative market analysis  339.503  compassionate care visit  191.1400
 compassionate care visitor  191.1400  compatible land use  67.1200  compel  1.330
 compelling  567.050  compelling family reason  288.501  compensation  32.20050.100056.80557.94970.60086.90086.1310104.010169.010169.270169.410169.600385.070411.026
 competency-based credit  162.1255  competency-based education program  161.380  competent person  459.010643.020
 competitive  34.032  competitive bidding process  227.601  competitive examination  36.020
 competitive integrated employment  209.700  competitive market  287.930  competitive telecommunications company  386.020
 competitive telecommunications service  386.020  competitiveness scholarship  173.262  compilation  71.940326.256
 complainant  213.010  complaint  375.936  complete medical report  287.210
 completed application  376.1575  completed credit towards high school graduation  167.031  completed operations liability  375.1080
 compliance  217.703454.612  component  595.220  comprehensive agreement  227.600
 comprehensive evaluation  633.005  comprehensive facility  XIV Section 2  comprehensive marijuana cultivation facility  XIV Section 2
 comprehensive marijuana dispensary facility  XIV Section 2  comprehensive marijuana-infused products manufacturing facility  XIV Section 2  comprehensive mental health services  205.975
 comprehensive psychiatric services  632.005  compressed natural gas  323.010  compulsive gambling  313.842
 compulsory attendance age for the district  167.031  computer  556.061573.110  computer equipment  556.061
 computer hardware  556.061  computer materials  260.1053  computer network  556.061
 computer program  432.205556.061573.110  computer science course  170.018  computer software  556.061
 computer system  556.061  computer-related documentation  556.061  concealable firearm  571.010
 concealed carry permit  571.101  conception  188.015196.1127  concert  135.753
 concert tour equipment  135.753  concession agreement  174.345227.601  concessions  70.859
 concurrent employment  288.090  concurrent legislation  70.327  concurrent postsecondary enrollment  173.2520
 concurrent review  376.1350  condemnation proceedings  99.1205  condemned  267.010
 condition  267.565  conditional release  558.011  conditional sale contract  407.738
 condominium  94.802448.1-103  conduct  565.002  conducts  574.105
 cone beam computed tomography system  192.500  conference, conciliation and persuasion  260.200260.360319.100444.352640.102643.020644.016  confidential file  211.319
 confidential information  105.450339.710376.380  confidentiality  337.105  confinement  40.025556.061
 confirmation test  288.045  confirmed credit  400.2-325  confirmer  400.5-102
 conforming  400.2-106400.2A-103  conforming out of standard signs  226.541  congressional delegation  33.827
 connected organization  130.011VIII Section 23  consent  68.205170.015196.276375.1160417.350556.061595.220  conservation area  99.80599.91899.1082
 conservation commission fund  254.020  conservation easement  442.014  conservation reserve program  252.306
 conservation storage level  67.78167.4500  conservator  404.007404.410456.1-103472.405475.010475.502595.010  conservator ad litem  456.1-103475.010
 consideration  400.3-303  consignee  400.7-102400.9-102  consignment  400.9-102407.900
 consignor  400.7-102400.9-102  consolidated district  262.598  consolidated entity  351.1153
 conspicuous  400.1-201  constituent entity  347.705  constructing taxpayer  144.810
 construction  290.210292.675444.765  construction and demolition waste  260.200  construction completion guaranty  381.400
 construction defect  436.350  construction deposit guaranty  381.400  construction escrow agreement  381.400
 construction loan  376.292443.055  construction management services  8.675  construction manager  8.67567.5050
 construction manager-at-risk  67.5050  construction mortgage  400.2A-309  construction permit  236.400
 construction project  227.552  construction work  434.100  construction zone  304.580
 consular officers  26.140  consult  334.506  consultant  67.45386.90086.1310204.650249.925375.932375.1300
 consultant-formulated feed  266.160  consultation  208.670334.506  consulting veterinarian  340.200
 consumer  142.800190.460196.311208.865208.900260.1053361.749385.200385.300400.1-201407.560407.585407.661407.950407.1070407.1380407.1500407.2020436.552620.3900630.005XIV Section 2  consumer advertising specialties  311.070  consumer credit loans  367.100
 consumer credit reporting agency  407.1380  consumer debtor  400.9-102  consumer fireworks  320.106
 consumer goods  400.9-102  consumer goods or services  408.400  consumer installment lender  408.510
 consumer installment loans  408.510  consumer lease  400.2A-103  consumer legal funding company  436.552
 consumer legal funding contract  436.552  consumer obligor  400.9-102  consumer price index  70.655104.010104.1003169.410173.1003
 consumer reporting agency  288.398407.635407.1500  consumer support and outreach  209.251  consumer testing  320.353
 consumer transaction  400.9-102  consumer-directed  208.900  consumer-directed wage access services  361.749
 consumer-goods transaction  400.9-102  consuming  144.617  consummation date  351.459
 contactless payment  407.432  container  196.311260.280414.012  contaminant  640.403
 contaminate  427.021  contaminated dry-cleaning site  260.925  contaminated with filth  196.010
 content of an electronic communication  472.405  contents  542.400  contest  317.001
 contest of chance  572.010  contestant  115.526317.001  contested case  536.010
 contestee  115.526  contiguous and compact  71.012  contiguous tract of land  643.079
 contiguousness  72.400  continuation of commercial operations  135.276  continuation statement  400.9-102
 continuing care  376.900  continuing committee  105.533130.011VIII Section 23  continuing competence  334.1203
 continuing competence/education  324.087337.550  continuing education  334.400334.800  continuing medical education  334.285
 continuous alcohol monitoring  577.001  contraceptive  376.1199  contract  37.01370.120105.273365.020375.421375.918375.932375.995375.1002375.1300376.778376.2051400.1-201400.2-106407.671407.935417.400427.220432.205
 contract carrier  390.020  contract for sale  400.2-106  contract holder  385.200385.300407.2060
 contract kennel  273.325  contract of insurance  375.1285  contract owner  376.718
 contract premium  375.1503  contract price  407.325  contracted pharmacy  376.388
 contracting entity  376.1060376.1065  contracting municipality  393.705  contractor  107.170195.815195.817208.780210.493227.552285.525292.675407.725436.350620.2005
 contractual obligation  376.718  contractual payment amount  376.2020  contractual right  375.1191
 contribution  36.152105.533130.011135.341135.550135.600135.621135.630161.825347.015359.011VIII Section 23  contributions  288.030  contributor  348.430
 control  351.459361.906362.910369.361375.772376.292376.1075379.930381.029382.010382.400400.9-102407.815436.430  control of a corporation  135.100135.950620.800620.1878  control of a partnership or association  135.100135.950620.800620.1878
 control of a qualified company  620.2005  control of a trust  135.100135.950620.800620.1878  control share acquisition  351.015
 control shares  351.015  controlled access highway  300.010  controlled access liquor cabinet  311.099
 controlled access liquor cabinet system  311.099  controlled by  351.459381.029382.010436.430  controlled compatible land use area  67.1200
 controlled group of corporations  288.090  controlled insurer  382.400  controlled premises  195.375
 controlled substance  195.010195.600302.700324.520556.061577.001579.021579.022  controlled substance analogue  195.010  controlled unaffiliated business  379.1300
 controllederror - missing word: (2) - insert "by" after "controlled" to be consistent with term in 382.010  382.400  controlling  351.459381.029382.010  controlling person  198.640339.503375.1112
 controlling producer  382.400  controlling stockholder or member  362.1015  controlling the pollination  266.021
 controls  448.1-103  convenience  198.073  convenience business  407.980
 convening authority  40.005  convention  454.1503  convention and sports complex fund  67.638
 convention and tourism tax  92.327  convention and visitors bureau  67.1950  convention support order  454.1680
 conversion building  448.1-103  conversion levels  209.285  converted policy  376.395
 conveyance  70.441358.020  conveying customer  367.044  conviction  70.441302.010302.600302.700334.1610
 co-occurring disorder  478.001  cooperative  71.012351.1003351.1081  cooperative group  376.429
 cooperative housing association  339.710  coordinated database  337.105  coordinated licensure information system  335.365337.105
 coordinating board  173.1102178.785  coordination of benefits  103.003  coordinator  209.285
 copper property  407.297  copper property peddler  407.297  copy certification  486.600
 copying  59.005610.010  copyright owner  436.150  core curriculum  178.785
 corners of the united states public land survey  60.301  coroner or medical examiner  191.630  corporate family  390.020
 corporate governance annual disclosure  382.605  corporate partner  143.425  corporation  143.441160.800208.250238.302327.011348.251348.251348.272350.010351.015351.870354.010355.066355.461362.075386.020403.250408.015620.582620.638622.100
 corporations  349.010  corps  620.556  correct  413.005
 correctional center  217.010217.850506.363  correctional center nursery program  217.940  corrections employee  575.155
 corrective action  260.900  corrective action plan  260.900  corrective order  375.1250
 correspondence  339.010  corridor map  226.950  cosmetic  196.010
 cosmetologist  329.010  cosmetology  329.010  cosmetology establishment  329.010
 cost  67.453204.650249.925260.005416.605  cost of care  217.827  cost of doing business  416.605
 cost savings  8.238  cost to the bulk milk handler  416.410  cost to the processor or distributor  416.410
 cost to the retailer  416.410  costs  40.00567.78167.4500360.015362.1085550.120  cost-sharing requirement  376.1183
 cost-sharing requirements  376.1257  cotrustee  402.200  cottage food production operation  196.298
 cotton  263.503  cotton grower  263.503  cotton trailer  301.010
 council  89.300161.193170.028185.070190.100194.400197.250197.400208.865209.251259.050262.550262.598262.826265.525275.357324.400414.510632.005  councilman  78.010  counseling  595.010
 counseling compact commission  337.550  counterfeit credit card  407.432  counterfeit mark  570.103
 counterfeit substance  195.010  counterparty exposure amount  375.345  counties  381.025
 counting judges  115.447  counting location  115.013  county  1.08050.100056.80557.94966.50067.28067.50067.60467.62867.63867.65167.72467.75067.106267.180067.185094.31099.020108.465115.013116.010130.011140.665141.220148.330184.352217.695226.950251.603262.550305.400313.500316.150349.010361.310369.014381.025441.500486.600578.110650.390VIII Section 23
 county and municipality  349.010  county average wage  68.075135.950143.173144.810620.1878620.1910620.2005620.2250620.2300  county clerk  94.310140.665162.073316.150486.600
 county collector  94.310  county commission  162.073182.020  county governing body  182.020
 county of declining population  135.953  county or circuit attorney  1.020  county ordinance  56.80757.955488.024488.026
 county retirement plan  211.393  county roads  230.245  county sales tax act  67.500
 county wage per job  163.011  county-urban road system  137.557  course  178.411
 course of conduct  455.010565.002  course of dealing  400.1-303  course of performance  400.1-303
 course of study  53.250  court  141.220143.782192.2400210.570249.690257.020347.015358.020404.007404.410404.703428.105435.430452.705452.1202454.460454.600454.1000455.010472.010472.405515.505544.046577.001610.140632.005  court costs  479.350488.010506.363
 court of competent jurisdiction  542.400  court order  454.460  court personnel  476.058
 court proceeding  476.800  courts provided for under sections 16 and 18, article v of the constitution  476.451  covered agreement  375.246
 covered benefit  354.400376.1350  covered benefits  103.003  covered claim  375.772
 covered contract  376.718  covered dog  273.345  covered employee  285.705
 covered entity  376.414  covered health services  376.1578  covered individual  320.400
 covered lives  376.435  covered medical expenses  376.397  covered multifamily dwelling  213.040
 covered person  376.387376.1257  covered policy  376.718  covered product  537.1000
 covered services  376.685376.1226  covered student  173.1110  covered voter  115.275115.902
 covid-19  537.1000  covid-19 exposure action  537.1000  covid-19 medical liability action  537.1000
 covid-19 products liability action  537.1000  covid-19 related action  537.1000  covid-19 related health care services  537.1000
 covid-19 vaccination status  194.321  cpa  326.256  cpa firm  326.256
 cpi  143.011163.172  cpi for the preceding calendar year  143.011  cpr  190.600
 creation of a security interest  400.2A-303  credential analysis  486.1100  credentialed teacher  161.396
 credentialing  376.1575  credentialing period  376.1578  credibility period  385.020
 credible witness  486.600  credit  100.710408.250  credit accident and sickness insurance  385.020
 credit agreement  427.115432.045432.047  credit allowance date  135.680620.3505  credit card  407.432408.145408.193
 credit casualty insurance  385.020  credit device  570.010  credit institution  148.130
 credit instrument  288.330288.330313.800  credit involuntary unemployment insurance  385.020  credit life insurance  385.020
 credit property insurance  385.020  credit report  375.918407.1380  credit sales contracts  276.401411.026
 credit scoring entity  375.918  credit tenant loan  376.292  credit transaction  408.551427.115
 credit union  148.610370.005370.101  credit union representative  370.061  creditable coverage  376.450376.960379.930
 creditable prior service  104.010  creditable service  50.100056.80557.94986.01086.20086.90086.131087.120104.010105.691169.010169.270169.600  credited service  70.600104.1003104.1021169.410
 creditor  375.1152385.020400.1-201407.2030408.250427.115428.009461.300515.505  creditor process  400.4A-502  creditors  407.900
 cremains  214.550  crew leader  288.034  crime  595.010595.200610.140
 crime laboratory  650.059650.100  crime prevention  32.105  crime stoppers organization  546.265
 criminal act  537.785  criminal activity  513.605574.105578.024  criminal background check  210.1080
 criminal conviction  324.012  criminal history  192.2495630.170  criminal history check  302.010
 criminal history record  XIV Section 2  criminal history record information  43.50067.1800566.200  criminal negligence  556.061
 criminal proceeding  513.605  criminal record information  407.1150  criminal street gang  578.421
 crisis care center  135.341  crisis intervention  191.1112  crisis intervention counseling  595.010
 crisis response services  191.1112  critical illness  320.400  critical incident  44.09544.098590.192
 critical incident stress management team member  191.1112  critical infrastructure facility  569.086  critical state concern  37.940
 cross-over license  328.010329.010  cross-sex hormones  191.1720  crosswalk  300.010
 crt  334.800  cryo-branding  268.011  cryptocurrency  574.105
 cultural activities  70.500  cultural asset  184.805  cultural facilities  70.500
 cultural institution  67.629  cultural items  194.400  cultural organizations  70.500
 curb loading zone  300.010  cure  199.170  curio or relic firearm  571.010
 current accounting year  469.411  current assets  276.401411.026  current liabilities  276.401411.026
 current market conditions  137.076  current model  407.850  current net price  407.850
 current obligation of the debtor  408.555  current operating expenditures  163.011  current significant investigative information  324.087335.365337.550337.1005345.085
 current year inflation adjustment factor  191.025  currently payable scale  375.1503  curriculum  166.700
 custodial authority  595.200  custodial interrogation  590.700  custodial parent  188.028475.010
 custodial property  404.007404.410  custodial responsibility  452.1202  custodian  404.007472.405
 custody  452.375556.061  custody decree  452.705  custom vehicle  301.132
 custom weighing  411.518  customer  204.370204.569339.710400.4-104400.4A-105408.675417.400430.400640.102  customer delays  227.552
 customer-formula feed  266.160  customer-generator  386.890  customer-owned pay telephone  386.020
 customized employment  209.700  cut-over date  227.552  cutting or processing room  196.450
 cyberbullying  160.775  cystic fibrosis  191.300  daily newspaper  493.045
 dairy farm  196.525  dairy manufacturing plant  196.525  dairy product  196.525
 dam  236.400  dam and reservoir safety council  236.400  damage  556.061
 damages  71.600260.818  dams  256.170  dangerous felony  556.061
 dangerous instrument  556.061  dangerous offender  558.016  data  556.061573.110
 data match  208.217  data storage center  144.810  data system  324.087334.1203337.550337.1005345.085
 database  303.403367.031  day  227.552337.105  day camp  210.201
 day program  630.005  day program services  376.810  daycare  XIV Section 1XIV Section 2
 days  227.552  de minimis source  643.020  dead animal  269.010
 dead body  193.015  deadly force  563.011  deadly weapon  556.061
 deaf person  209.261209.285302.174476.750  dealer  150.013196.311267.670273.325276.401301.010301.550407.838407.1320407.1360570.010700.010700.650  dealer agreement  407.1360
 dealer transactions  276.606  dealer-operator  407.815  dealers  267.565385.200
 dealer's license  196.316  dealership agreement  407.838  death  287.020
 death master file  376.2051  death master file match  376.2051  death of the owner  461.005
 death-prolonging procedure  459.010  debit device  570.010  debt  143.782288.175428.009515.505
 debt adjuster  425.010  debt management plan  425.010  debt relief services  425.010
 debt service  167.131  debt settlement plan  425.010  debt waiver  407.2030
 debtor  143.782288.175385.020400.9-102425.010427.115428.009515.505  debtors  376.691  debtor's correct name  400.9-506
 decedent  194.210  deceit  409.1-102  deceit or deceive  570.010
 decent, safe and sanitary dwelling  523.205  decentralized emissions inspection program  643.303  decision  288.030536.010
 decision-making authority  452.1202  decision-making public servant  105.450  deck  319.303
 declarant  448.1-103  declaration  194.290448.010448.1-103459.010459.250  declaration of loss  400.3-312
 declared state disaster  190.275  decommissioning  260.705  decorative pole  67.5111
 decreasing term life coverage  385.020  decree  452.705  deductible claim  375.1605
 deduction  143.114143.173143.1100143.1150143.1160143.1170143.2100  deduction year  143.2115  deed in lieu of foreclosure or voluntary conveyance  253.545
 deems itself insecure  400.1-309  deface  571.010  defamation  375.936
 default  210.620415.405  defective ballot  115.447  defendant  400.1-201557.014
 defender(s)  600.011  defense area  91.630  defense industry contractor  32.105
 deferred maintenance  137.112  deferred normal annuity  104.010  deferred payment agreement  276.401411.026
 deferred pricing agreement  276.401411.026  deferred prosecution  557.014  deficiency  192.2270198.545214.325214.335
 defined benefit plan  105.660  defined contribution plan  105.660  defoliant  281.020281.220
 defraud  409.1-102  degradation  67.1830  degree  173.600
 degree maps  173.2515  delay period  319.303  delayed shipment  311.335
 deleading  701.300  delegates  355.066  deliberation  565.002
 delinquency  441.650  delinquency proceeding  375.950375.1152375.1605  delinquent land tax attorney  141.220
 deliver  195.010355.066  delivered by electronic means  379.011  delivery  142.800195.010375.159400.1-201411.026
 delivery date  276.401  delivery order  400.7-102  delivery services  91.026
 demand deposits  362.010  demand draft  400.3-104  demand letter  416.650
 demand response  393.1075  demand-side program  393.1075  dementia  198.006
 demographer  127.010  demolition landfill  260.200  demolition permit  99.875
 demonstrate  620.3900  demonstrates