☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 68 Port Authorities 
68.010   Cities and counties authorized to form port authorities, when. (8/28/1975)
68.015   Port district, how designated — boundaries, where filed, how altered. (8/28/1979)
68.020   Purpose of port authority. (8/28/2005)
68.025   Powers of port authority. (8/28/2010)
68.030   State or its subdivisions may transfer property to port authority, when. (8/28/1979)
68.035   State authorized to make grants to port authorities. (8/28/2010)
68.040   Bonds of port authority, issued, when — authorized as investments — tax exemption — procedure for issuance of bonds and notes. (8/28/2019)
68.045   Board of port authority commissioners minimum number required — compensation, terms, duties, how fixed. (8/28/1986)
68.050   Conflict of interest by port authority commissioners prohibited. (8/28/1979)
68.055   Letting of contracts, manner, amounts. (8/28/1994)
68.057   Competitive bids required, when. (8/28/2010)
68.060   Consolidation of port districts by contract, how. (8/28/1975)
68.065   Powers of state highways and transportation commission. (8/28/1974)
68.070   Dissolution, procedure for. (8/28/2010)
68.075   AIM zones — definitions — establishment, boundaries — retention of tax withholdings on new jobs, amount — fund created, use of moneys — approval of projects — expiration date. (8/28/2021)
68.080   Waterways and ports trust fund, use of moneys — project criteria — termination date. (8/28/2023)
68.100   Mid-America port commission agreement, commission, powers, duties. (8/28/1998)
68.105   Mid-America port commission act. (8/28/1998)
68.110   Counties included (Scotland, Knox, Shelby, Clark, Ralls, Monroe, Lewis, Pike and Marion). (8/28/1998)
68.115   Powers of commission. (8/28/1998)
68.120   County commissioners to elect two members. (8/28/1998)
68.200   Citation of law. (8/28/2010)
68.205   Definitions. (8/28/2013)
68.210   Establishment of districts authorized, procedure. (8/28/2013)
68.215   Public hearing required — notice. (8/28/2013)
68.220   Opposition, court to serve copy of petition, procedure. (8/28/2010)
68.225   Notice, form. (8/28/2013)
68.230   Termination of district, procedure. (8/28/2013)
68.235   Levy of property tax authorized — vote required — ballot language — repeal of tax. (8/28/2013)
68.240   County collector's and treasurer's duties — use of moneys upon expiration of tax. (8/28/2013)
68.245   Levy of sales and use tax authorized — ballot language — collection of tax, deposit of moneys — repeal of tax. (8/28/2013)
68.250   Conducting of election, procedure. (8/28/2013)
68.255   Statute of limitations. (8/28/2010)
68.259   Severability clause. (8/28/2013)
68.260   Applicability of law — report required. (8/28/2010)
 - Cross References
Industrial development funding, 100.250 to 100.275

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