☰ Revisor of Missouri


Effective - 08 Dec 1988, see footnote    bottom

  III Section 20(a).  Automatic adjournment — tabling of bills, when. — The general assembly shall adjourn at midnight on May thirtieth until the first Wednesday after the first Monday of January of the following year, unless it has adjourned prior thereto.  All bills in either house remaining on the calendar after 6:00 p.m. on the first Friday following the second Monday in May are tabled.  The period between the first Friday following the second Monday in May and May thirtieth shall be devoted to the enrolling, engrossing, and the signing in open session by officers of the respective houses of bills passed prior to 6:00 p.m. on the first Friday following the second Monday in May.

  The general assembly shall automatically stand adjourned sine die at 6:00 p.m. on the sixtieth calendar day after the date of its convening in special session unless it has adjourned sine die prior thereto.


(Adopted November 4, 1952) (Amended November 8, 1960) (Amended November 3, 1970) (Amended November 8, 1988).

(1957) The senate, acting independently, has no power to create committees to sit after final adjournment of the general assembly but both houses of the general assembly acting jointly by resolution may create such committees. State ex rel. Jones v. Atterbury (Mo.), 300 S.W.2d 806.

---- end of effective  08 Dec 1988 ----

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