☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 71

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1939    bottom

  71.520.  Certain privileges granted to public utilities. — Any city, town or village in this state may by ordinance authorize any person, or any company organized for the purpose of supplying light, heat, power, water, gas or sewage disposal facilities, and incorporated under the laws of this state, to set and maintain its poles, piers, abutments, wires and other fixtures, and to excavate for, install, and maintain water mains, sewage disposal lines, and necessary equipment for the operation and maintenance of electric light plants, heating plants, power plants, waterworks plants, gas plants and sewage disposal plants, and to maintain and operate the same along, across or under any of the public roads, streets, alleys, or public places within such city, town, or village, for a period of twenty years or less, subject to such rules, regulations and conditions as shall be expressed in such ordinance.


(RSMo 1939 § 7828)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 7683; 1919 § 9122; 1909 § 9947


Privileges, city to grant for laying conductors and erecting poles of utility companies, 393.010

Railroad right-of-way, city may grant through public lands, 388.380

Telegraph and telephone companies--privilege on constructing line--mode of construction directed by whom, 392.080, 392.090

(1973) Municipality may condition grant of franchise to require all electric lines be underground. Union Electric Co. v. City of Crestwood (Mo.), 499 S.W.2d 480.

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1939 ----

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