643.600. Compact entered into. — The Kansas-Missouri Air Quality Compact is hereby entered into and enacted into law with the state of Kansas, in the form substantially as follows:
1.1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the Kansas-Missouri Air Quality Compact.
2.1. "Signatory state" shall mean a state party to this compact.
2.2. "Air pollution" shall mean the presence in the ambient air of one or more air contaminants in quantities, of characteristics and of a duration which directly and proximately cause or contribute to injury to human, animal or plant life or health or to property or which unreasonably interfere with the enjoyment of life or use of property.
2.3. "Air contaminant" shall mean any particulate matter or any gas or vapor or any combination thereof.
2.4. "Air contaminant source" shall mean any and all sources of emission of air contaminants whether privately or publicly owned or operated.
2.5. "Person" shall mean any individual, partnership, copartnership, firm, company, public or private corporation, association, joint stock company, trust, estate, political subdivision, or any governmental agency, board, department or bureau, or any other legal entity whatever which is recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties.
3.1. Ambient air is not confined by the common boundary between Kansas and Missouri and is affected with a local, state and regional interest. The planning, conservation, and control of the quality of ambient air are public purposes of the respective signatory states.
The air resources of the area subject to the jurisdiction of the commission are common to Kansas and Missouri, and the uses of these resources are interdependent. A single agency is therefore essential for effective and economical direction, supervision and coordination of efforts and programs of federal, state and local governments and of private enterprise.
The signatory states recognize that the discharge into the ambient air of air contaminants so as to cause or contribute to air pollution is contrary to public policy; that air contaminants originating in one state may contribute to the degradation of air quality in the other; and that such degradation may present a hazard to the health, welfare and enjoyment of life and property of the people of both states. It is the purpose of the signatory states, by achieving uniform application of air pollution control regulations, to maintain purity of the common air resources, to protect the health, general welfare and physical property of the people, and to foster maximum employment and full industrial development of the state. Each state, and the commission hereinafter created, shall seek the accomplishment of these objectives through the prevention, abatement and control of air pollution by all practical and economically feasible methods.
4.1. Commission created. There is hereby created the Kansas-Missouri Air Quality Commission, herein called "the commission", with the powers and duties set forth herein, and such additional powers as may be conferred upon it by subsequent action of the respective legislatures of the signatory states. The commission shall be a body corporate, with succession for the duration of this compact, as an agency and instrumentality of the governments of the respective signatory states. The commission shall have jurisdiction hereunder with respect to air contaminant sources located in the district comprising the following counties of Missouri and Kansas: Cass, Clay, Jackson and Platte of Missouri; and Johnson, Leavenworth and Wyandotte of Kansas. The commission shall have the power to cooperate with federal, state and local agencies with respect to air pollution control matters which affect the air quality standards within the jurisdiction of the commission.
4.2. Membership. The commission shall consist of eleven members, one commissioner representing the appropriate federal agency having jurisdiction of air pollution matters, five commissioners from Kansas and five from Missouri, each of whom shall be a resident of such state, and at least three commissioners from each state shall be residents of the region subject to the jurisdiction of the commission hereunder. The commissioners from each state shall be qualified, chosen and appointed by each state in the manner and for the terms as provided by the laws of the respective states. Vacancies on the commission shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as appointments to full terms.
4.3. Voting. Each commissioner representing a signatory state shall be entitled to a vote, but the commissioner representing the federal government shall vote only as hereinafter provided. All final actions of the commission shall be taken at meetings at which a majority of the members of the commission are present in person. All final actions of the commission shall require a favorable majority vote of the commissioners present. If an unresolved tie vote shall result on any matter properly before the commission, then the commissioner representing the federal government may cast the deciding vote on such matter if present at the meeting, and such vote, if cast, shall decide the matter.
4.4. Compensation. Members of the commission representing the signatory states may receive a per diem allowance as determined and paid by the legislatures of the respective signatory states. Members of the commission shall be reimbursed by the commission for necessary and actual expenses incurred in and incident to the performance of their duties.
4.5. Capacity. The commission shall have all corporate powers essential to the declared objects and purposes of the commission, and it may sue and be sued, enter into contracts and shall have a seal. The commission shall designate a resident agent in each signatory state to accept any service of process made upon the commission, and the names of such agents shall be filed with the secretary of state of each signatory state. The commission may retain counsel to represent it in any action at law brought by or against the commission.
4.6. Officers. The commission shall elect annually, from among its members, a chairman and vice chairman. The commission shall appoint an executive director who shall serve at the pleasure of the commission, who shall act as secretary, and who, together with such other commission personnel as the commission may determine, shall be bonded in such amount or amounts as the commission may require.
4.7. Personnel. Irrespective of the civil service, personnel or other merit systems laws of any of the signatory states, the commission shall fix the compensation of such personnel as may be necessary for the performance of the commission's functions. The executive director shall appoint, remove, and discharge the other officers and employees under such rules and regulations as the commission may prescribe.
4.8. Retirement. The commission may establish and maintain, independently or in conjunction with any one or more of the signatory states, a suitable retirement system for its employees. Employees of the commission shall be eligible for Social Security coverage in respect to old age and survivors insurance, provided that the commission takes such steps as may be necessary pursuant to federal law to participate in such program of insurance as a governmental agency or unit. The commission may establish and maintain or participate in such additional programs of employee benefits as may be appropriate.
4.9. Assistance. The commission may borrow, accept, or contract for the services of personnel and other services or materials from any state, the United States or any subdivision or agency of either, from any interstate agency, or from any institution, person, firm or corporation.
4.10. Donations. The commission may accept for any of its purposes and functions under this compact any and all donations, and grants of money, equipment, supplies, materials, and services conditional or otherwise, from the United States, or any agency thereof, from any state or any subdivision or agency thereof, or interstate agency, or from any institution, person, firm or corporation, and may receive, utilize and dispose of the same. The identity of any donor, the amount and character of any assistance, and the conditions, if any, attached thereto shall be set forth in the annual report of the commission.
4.11. Facilities. The commission may establish and maintain such facilities as may be necessary for the transacting of its business. The commission may acquire, hold, insure, and convey real and personal property and any interest therein.
4.12. Bylaws. The commission shall adopt, amend, and rescind bylaws and procedural rules for the conduct of its business.
4.13. Reports. The commission annually shall make to the chief executive, officials and legislative bodies of the signatory states, and to the public, a report on its programs, operations and finances. The commission may issue such additional public reports as it may deem desirable.
4.14. Information. The commission shall have the authority to collect and disseminate information.
4.15. Public records. All actions of the commission shall be taken at public meetings, at which the vote of each commissioner is recorded, and minutes of the commission shall be a public report open to inspection at its offices during regular hours except those portions of any hearing or minutes which concern confidential information as provided for under Article VIII of this compact.
5.1. General powers. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this compact, the commission shall have power to
(a) Adopt, amend and repeal rules and regulations implementing and consistent with this compact.
(b) Hold hearings relating to any aspect of or matter in the administration of this compact, and in connection therewith, compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of evidence.
(c) Issue such orders as may be necessary to effectuate the purposes of this compact and enforce the same by all appropriate administrative and judicial proceedings.
(d) Require access to records relating to emissions which cause or contribute to air pollution.
(e) Secure necessary scientific, technical, administrative and operational services, including laboratory facilities, by contract or otherwise.
(f) Prepare and develop a comprehensive plan or plans for the prevention, abatement and control of air pollution.
(g) Encourage voluntary cooperation by persons and affected groups to achieve the purposes of this compact.
(h) Encourage state and local units of government to handle air pollution problems on a cooperative basis, and provide technical and consultative assistance therefor.
(i) Encourage and conduct studies, investigations and research relating to air contamination and air pollution and their causes, effects, prevention, abatement and control.
(j) Determine by means of field studies and sampling the degree of air contamination and air pollution in any place.
(k) Make a continuing study of the effects of the emission of air contaminants from motor vehicles on the quality of the outdoor atmosphere and make recommendations to appropriate public and private bodies with respect thereto.
(l) After hearing, establish ambient air quality standards for the entire area subject to the commission's jurisdiction or for any part thereof.
(m) Collect and disseminate information and conduct educational and training programs relating to air contamination and air pollution.
(n) Advise, consult, contract and cooperate with other agencies of the state, local governments, industries, other states, interstate or interlocal agencies, and the federal government, and with interested persons or groups.
(o) Consult, upon request, with any person proposing to construct, install, or otherwise acquire an air contaminant source or device or system for the control thereof, concerning the efficacy of such device or system, or the air pollution problem which may be related to the source, device or system. Nothing in any such consultation shall be construed to relieve any person from compliance with this compact, rules or regulations in force pursuant thereto, or any other provision of law.
5.2. Classification and reporting. The commission may, by rule or regulation, classify air contaminant sources which may cause or contribute to air pollution, according to levels and types of emissions and other characteristics which relate to air pollution, and require reporting for any such class or classes. Classifications made pursuant to this subsection may be for application to the entire area subject to the commission's jurisdiction, or to any designated portion thereof, and may be made with special reference to effects on health, economic and land use factors, and physical effects of property; provided, that all such classification shall be made in accordance with the purposes of this compact, as set forth in Article III hereof. Any person operating or responsible for the operation of an air contaminant source of any class for which the rules and regulations of the commission require reporting shall make reports containing information as may be required concerning location, size and height of contaminant outlets, processes employed, fuels used and the nature and time periods or duration of emissions, and such other information as is relevant to air pollution and available or reasonably capable of being assembled.
5.3. New installations.
(a) The commission may require that notice be given to it prior to the undertaking of the construction, installation or establishment of particular types or classes of new air contaminant sources specified in its rules and regulations.
(b) The commission may require the submission of plans, specifications and such other information as it deems necessary in order to determine the cumulative effect of such air contaminant source on the air quality standards within the area of its jurisdiction.
(c) For the purposes of this compact, addition to or enlargement or replacement of an air contaminant source, or any major alteration therein, shall be construed as construction, installation or establishment of a new air contaminant source.
(d) The absence or failure to issue a rule, regulation or order pursuant to this section shall not relieve any person from compliance with any emission standards or with any other provision of law.
5.4. Inspections. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the commission may enter and inspect any property, premise or place on or at which an air contaminant source is located at any reasonable time for the purpose of ascertaining the state of compliance with this compact and rules and regulations in force pursuant thereto. A suitably restricted search warrant, upon a showing of probable cause in writing and upon oath, may be issued by a court specified in section 6.6(a) of this compact to any such officer, employee, or representative for the purpose of enabling him to make such inspections. No person shall refuse entry or access to any authorized representative of the commission who requests entry for purposes of inspection, and who presents appropriate credentials; nor shall any person obstruct, hamper or interfere with any such inspection. If requested, the owner or operator of the premises shall receive a report setting forth all facts found which relate to compliance status.
5.5. Emission standards.
(a) After hearing in accordance with section 6.3 of this compact, the commission may, by rule or regulation, establish emission standards for any area within the commission's jurisdiction, consistent with the purposes of this compact as provided in Article III hereof. Such emission standards may be for the entire area subject to the commission's jurisdiction, or may vary from area to area dependent upon land use and other varying local conditions, as may be appropriate to facilitate accomplishment of the purposes of this compact.
(b) Nothing in this compact shall be construed to authorize the commission to require by rule, regulation or otherwise the kind or composition of materials or fuels, the type, manufacturer or nature of control devices or other equipment or processes to be used or employed by the owner or operator of any new or existing air contaminant source. Nothing in this compact shall be construed as limiting the power of the commission to establish general variances from required emission standards, as provided in subsection (f) of section 5.7 of this compact.
5.6. Enforcement.
(a) Whenever the executive director has reason to believe that a violation of any provision of this compact, or rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto, has occurred, he may cause written notice to be served upon the alleged violator or violators and upon the state air pollution control agency of the state in which the alleged source is located. The notice shall specify the provision of this compact or rule or regulation alleged to be violated, and the facts alleged to constitute a violation thereof, and may include an order that necessary corrective action be taken within a reasonable time. Any such order shall become final unless, no later than ten days after the date the notice and order are served, the person or persons named therein request in writing a hearing before the commission. Upon such request, the commission shall hold a hearing in accordance with the provisions of section 6.4 of this compact. In lieu of an order, the executive director may require that the alleged violator or violators appear before the commission for a hearing, at a time and place specified in the notice, and answer the charges complained of.
(b) If, after a hearing held pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the commission finds that a violation or violations have occurred, it may affirm or modify the order of the executive director previously issued, or issue an appropriate order or orders for the prevention, abatement or control of the emissions involved or for the taking of such other corrective action as may be appropriate or it may retain jurisdiction, but defer final action to permit the state air pollution control agency to effect a satisfactory remedy. If, after hearing on an order contained in a notice, the commission finds that no violation has occurred or is occurring, it shall rescind the order. Any order issued as part of a notice or after hearing may prescribe the date or dates by which the violation or violations shall cease and may prescribe timetables for necessary action in preventing, abating or controlling the emissions.
(c) Nothing in this compact shall prevent the commission from making efforts to obtain voluntary compliance through warning, conference or any other appropriate means.
5.7. Variances.
(a) Any person who owns or is in control of any air contaminant source may apply to the commission for a variance from rules or regulations by filing an application with the executive director. The executive director shall promptly investigate the application and make a recommendation to the commission as to the disposition thereof. If the recommendation is against the granting of a variance, a public hearing shall be held, if requested by the applicant, in accordance with the provisions of section 6.4 of this compact. If the recommendation is for the granting of the variance, the commission may do so without a public hearing, except that, at the written request of any person aggrieved by the emissions resulting from the granting of the variance, a public hearing shall be held. In any hearing under this section, however, the burden of proof shall be on the person petitioning for a variance. After a hearing, the commission may grant a variance if it finds that:
1. The emissions occurring or proposed to occur do not endanger human health or safety; or
2. Compliance with the rules or regulations from which variance is sought would produce serious hardship without equal or greater benefits to the public; or
3. Such variance should be granted to effectuate the purposes of this compact as set out in Article III hereof.
(b) No variance shall be granted pursuant to this section until the commission has considered the relative interests of the applicant, other owners of property likely to be affected by the emissions, and the general public.
(c) Any variance or renewal thereof shall be granted within the requirements of subsection (a) and for time periods and under conditions that shall be specified by the commission in its order granting such variance.
(d) Any variance granted pursuant to this section may be renewed, on application, on terms and conditions and for periods which would be appropriate on initial granting of a variance. If complaint is made to the commission on account of the variance, no renewal thereof shall be granted, unless following public hearing on the complaint on due notice the commission finds that renewal is justified. Any application for renewal shall be made at least sixty days prior to the expiration of the variance.
(e) Nothing in this section and no variance or renewal granted pursuant hereto shall be construed to prevent or limit the application of the emergency provisions and procedures of this compact.
(f) Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, the commission may, after a hearing in accordance with the provisions of section 6.3 of this compact, establish by rule or regulation variances from required emission standards which are uniformly applicable to specific types of air contaminant sources or to particular geographic areas within the commission's jurisdiction.
5.8. Emergency.
(a) Any other provisions of this compact notwithstanding, the commission may adopt rules or regulations authorizing the executive director to order persons causing or contributing to air pollution to reduce or discontinue immediately the emission of air contaminants when he finds that a generalized or specific condition of air pollution exists in any area subject to the jurisdiction of this commission and that in his opinion such condition creates an emergency requiring immediate action to protect human health or safety in such area.
(b) Upon issuance of any such order the commission shall fix a time and place for a hearing to be held before the commission not later than forty-eight hours after the issuance of the order to investigate and determine the factors causing or contributing to the emergency conditions. All persons whose interests are prejudiced or affected in any manner by any such order shall have the right to appear in person or by counsel at the hearing and to present evidence relevant to the subject of the hearings. Within twenty-four hours after completion of the hearing, the commission shall affirm, modify or set aside the order or make such other orders as the commission deems appropriate under the circumstances in accordance and consistent with the evidence adduced and shall notify all persons appearing in person or by counsel of its determination in writing by certified or registered mail.
(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit any power of the President of the United States or the governor of either signatory state, or any other officer of either state, or the United States, to act in the event of an emergency.
6.1. Public hearings. All hearings held by the commission shall be open to the public. All testimony taken before the commission shall be under oath and recorded in a written transcript. The transcript so recorded shall be made available to any member of the public or to any participant in such hearing upon payment of reasonable charges therefor as fixed by the commission.
6.2. Powers of hearing officer. All hearings shall be had before one or more members of the commission, or before an officer or employee of the commission expressly designated thereby to act as a hearing officer. Any person conducting the hearing, and the executive director, may issue in the name of the commission notices of hearings and subpoenas requiring attendance and testimony of witnesses and production of evidence relevant to any matter involved in such, and administer oaths and affirmations and examine witnesses.
6.3. Rules and regulations. The commission shall not adopt any rules or regulations, other than those relating to its internal organization, unless and until it has held a public hearing thereon, at which any person shall be entitled to appear and offer testimony with or without counsel. Notice of said hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in each county within the jurisdiction of the commission at least thirty days prior to such hearing, and shall be mailed to the air pollution control agencies of the signatory states. All rules and regulations so adopted by the commission shall be filed in the manner provided for by law for filing administrative rules in each of the signatory states and such rules and regulations shall not become effective until ten days after such filing.
6.4. Adversary hearings.
(a) At any hearing on an order directed to a specific person or persons, or a specific source of air contaminants, or on application for variance or renewal or revocation thereof, those persons, or the owner or operator of such source, or the applicant, shall be entitled to be a party to the proceedings, and the air pollution control agencies of the signatory states shall also be entitled to be parties. Any party shall be entitled to at least twenty days notice of such hearing by registered mail, and such notice shall also be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the alleged air contaminant source is located, and sent by ordinary mail to any person who has in writing requested notice. Any party shall be entitled to appear in person or by representative, with or without counsel, and make oral or written argument, offer testimony, cross-examine witnesses, or take any combination of such actions with respect to any matter in issue including the validity under this compact of any commission order, rule, regulation or standard as it may affect such party. Any person aggrieved by the emissions from the alleged air contaminant source shall be entitled to appear and to testify with respect to the matter in controversy, subject to such restrictions and procedures as the commission may establish, but shall not be a party to such proceeding.
(b) In any adversary proceeding each party shall be entitled to present oral arguments or written briefs at or after the hearing, which shall be heard or read by each commissioner who renders or joins in rendering the order of the commission.
(c) In each adversary proceeding each commissioner who renders or joins in rendering the order of the commission shall, prior to taking final action thereon, either hear all the evidence, read the full record including all the evidence, or personally consider the portions of the record cited or referred to in the arguments or briefs. The parties to such adversary proceeding may by written stipulation or by oral stipulation in the record at the hearing waive compliance with the provisions of this subsection.
(d) Every order by the commission in an adversary proceeding shall be in writing and shall include or be accompanied by findings of fact and conclusions of law. The findings of fact shall be stated separately from the conclusions of law and shall include a concise statement of the findings on which the commission bases its order.
6.5. Refusal to obey subpoena. In case of refusal to obey a subpoena issued in the name of the commission, any United States district court, district court of Kansas or circuit court of Missouri having jurisdiction may issue, upon the application of the person conducting the hearing, an order requiring attendance or production of evidence as the case may require. Any failure to obey an order may be punished by the court as contempt thereof. Subpoenas shall be served as provided by the law of the state in which they are served.
6.6. Judicial enforcement and review.
(a) It shall be the duty of any person to comply with any final order issued against him by the commission in accordance with section 5.6 of this compact. In a signatory state, any court of general jurisdiction in any county in which the alleged air contaminant source is located, or any United States district court for the district in which the alleged air contaminant source is located, shall entertain and determine any action or proceeding brought by the commission to enforce an abatement order against the owner or operator of such air contaminant source. In any action to enforce or review such an order, the court may affirm, modify or reverse the order and may issue its decree enforcing the order as affirmed or modified.
(b) Any party to a hearing held under this compact who is aggrieved by any order made by the commission shall be entitled to a judicial review thereof. Such review may be had by filing a verified petition in any of the appropriate courts designated in subsection (a) of this section setting out such order and alleging specifically wherein said order is:
1. Arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in accordance with law.
2. Contrary to constitutional right, power, privilege or immunity.
3. In excess of authority or jurisdiction conferred by this compact or statutes in implementation hereof.
4. Without observance of procedure required by law.
5. Unsupported by substantial evidence.
The petition for review shall be filed within thirty days after receipt of written notice that such order has been issued. Written notice of the filing of such petition for review and a copy of said petition shall be personally served upon the commission. Within fifteen days after filing the petition, the petitioner shall secure from the commission a certified copy of the transcript of any hearing or hearings held in connection with the issuance of the order, the review of which is sought, and file the same with the clerk of the court in which the proceeding for review is pending. An extension of time in which to file such transcript may be granted by the court for good cause shown. Inability to obtain the transcript within the specified time shall be good cause. Failure to file the transcript within fifteen days, or to secure an extension of time therefor, shall be cause for the dismissal of the petition. Where more than one party may be aggrieved by the order only one proceeding for review may be had, and the court in which a petition for review is first properly filed shall have jurisdiction.(c) The filing of a petition for review hereunder shall stay the commission's order unless the court upon motion by any party shall determine otherwise.
(d) No review of a commission order shall be had except in accordance with the provisions of this compact.
7.1. Appropriations. The commission shall submit to the governor or designated officer or officers of each party state a budget of its estimated expenditures for such period as may be required by the laws of that state for presentation to the legislature thereof, specifying the amount or amounts to be appropriated by each of the party states. Aside from such support as may be available to the commission from other sources, the cost of operating and maintaining the commission shall be borne equally by the party states. The commission shall not incur any obligations prior to the allotment of funds adequate to meet the same by the party states or the setting aside of such funds from other sources.
7.2. Expenses. The expenses and any other costs for each member of the commission shall be met by the commission in accordance with such standards and procedures as it may establish under its bylaws.
7.3. Accounts. The commission shall keep accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements. The receipts and disbursements of the commission shall be subject to an annual independent audit. However, all receipts and disbursements of funds handled by the commission shall be audited yearly by a certified or licensed public accountant and the report of the audit shall be included in and become a part of the annual report of the commission. The accounts of the commission shall be open at any reasonable time for inspection by duly constituted officers of the signatory parties and by any persons authorized by the commission.
8.1. No information relating to secret processes or trade secrets affecting methods of manufacture shall be disclosed to the public, if so requested by the owner or operator thereof, and all such information shall be kept confidential. At any public hearing any such confidential information shall, if requested by respondent, be received in camera and kept under seal.
9.1. Any violation of any rule or regulation, duly adopted under this compact, except pursuant to a variance, may be enjoined by the commission upon institution of a civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction for injunctive relief to prevent any further violation and, in the case of any willful violation, the court may assess a penalty of not to exceed one thousand dollars per day for each day or part thereof the violation continues, and any such penalty shall be paid into the general revenue fund of the state where imposed.
9.2. No liabilities shall be imposed upon any person pursuant to this compact for violations of any provision thereof, or any rule or regulation adopted thereunder, caused by an act of God, war, strike, riot, catastrophe or other cause beyond the control of such person.
9.3. Any willful disclosure of confidential information to any person other than one entitled to information under this compact shall be deemed to be a misdemeanor subject to the laws of the party state in which such violation shall have occurred.
10.1. Powers of states. Nothing in this compact shall be construed to limit the powers of either signatory state or any of their subdivisions to enact and enforce laws or ordinances for the prevention, abatement or control of air pollution, provided that such laws, ordinances, or enforcement activities meet the minimum provisions of this compact, or any standard, rule or regulation promulgated hereunder, or to prevent or restrict either signatory state or any subdivision thereof in requiring or prescribing measures of air pollution prevention, abatement or control in addition to those which may be required by either signatory state or the commission acting pursuant to this compact.
10.2. Powers of United States. Nothing in this compact shall be construed to relinquish the functions, powers and duties of the Congress of the United States with respect to the control, abatement or prevention of air pollution.
11.1. Construction and severability. It is the legislative intent that the provisions of this compact be reasonably and liberally construed. The provisions of this compact shall be severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence or provision of this compact is declared to be contrary to the constitution of either state or of the United States, or the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this compact and the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance shall not be affected thereby.
11.2. Agency cooperation. The several departments, agencies and officers of the signatory parties are authorized to cooperate with the commission. Within existing statutory authorizations, any such department, agency or officer may make contract with, lend, or otherwise furnish the commission with such items and services as are contemplated by any provision of the compact.
11.3. Effect of compact on rights of certain persons. Persons other than either of the signatory states or the commission shall not acquire actionable rights by virtue of this compact. A determination by the executive director or the commission that air pollution or air contamination exists or that any standard, rule or regulation has been violated, whether or not a proceeding or action is brought by the state or the commission, shall not create by reason thereof any presumption of law or finding of fact which shall inure to or be for the benefit of any person other than the state or the commission.
12.1. Effective date; repeal. This compact shall take effect and be in force when it has been enacted into law by the states of Missouri and Kansas and is approved by the Congress of the United States. The compact shall continue in force until expressly repealed by either party state, but no such repeal shall take effect until ninety days after the effective date of the statute repealing this compact, provided that if expressly repealed by both party states, such repeal shall take effect immediately as provided in such enactments.
13.1. The right to alter, amend or repeal this compact is expressly reserved by the signatory states.
(L. 1967 p. 297 § 1)
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1967 ----
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