☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 413

< > Effective - 01 Jan 2017, 2 histories, see footnote    bottom

  413.229.  Criminal penalties for violations. — 1.  Any person found in violation of any provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor.

  2.  Any person found to have purposely violated any provisions of this chapter, has been previously convicted twice for the same offense under the misdemeanor provisions of this section, or uses or has in his or her possession for use a commercial device which has been altered to facilitate the commission of fraud shall be guilty of a class E felony.

  3.  The prosecutor of each county in which a violation occurs shall be empowered to bring an action hereunder.  If a prosecutor declines to bring such action, the attorney general may bring an action instead, and in so doing shall have all of the powers and jurisdiction of such prosecutor.


(L. 1994 S.B. 729, A.L. 2002 S.B. 1071, A.L. 2014 S.B. 491)

Effective 1-01-17

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