306.130. Regattas, races and other activities, authorization, regulation of. — 1. The water patrol division shall authorize the holding of regattas, motorboat or other watercraft races, marine parades, tournaments, parasail operations or exhibitions on any waters of this state when it has determined that said event will not create conditions of excessive danger for the participants, observers or operators of other watercraft nor unduly disrupt navigation. It shall adopt and may, from time to time, amend regulations concerning the safety of motorboats and other watercraft and persons thereon, either observers or participants. Whenever a regatta, motorboat or other watercraft race, marine parade, tournament, parasail operation or exhibition is proposed to be held, the person in charge thereof shall, at least fifteen days prior thereto, file an application with the water patrol division for permission to hold the regatta, motorboat or other watercraft race, marine parade, tournament, parasail operation or exhibition, and it shall not be conducted without authorization of the water patrol division in writing.
2. The provisions of this section shall not exempt any person from compliance with applicable federal law or regulation, but nothing contained herein shall be construed to require the securing of a state permit pursuant to this section if a permit therefor has been obtained from an authorized agency of the United States.
(L. 1959 S.B. 142 § 13, A.L. 1985 H.B. 280, et al., A.L. 1989 S.B. 135)
Effective 5-25-89
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1989 ----
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