267.683. Animals may be sold for slaughter without dipping, when. — Sheep and goats, when inspected at the market or dealer's premises and found free of scabies or known exposure thereto, may be sold for slaughter purposes without dipping if consigned directly and immediately to:
(1) A slaughtering establishment operating under federal or approved municipal meat inspection service; or
(2) A slaughtering establishment as otherwise approved by the department of agriculture; or
(3) A stockyards market operating under federal stockyards inspection service, and are not diverted enroute, and are accompanied by a waybill, weight bill or bill of lading or permit showing the name of the market or dealer from which released, the name of purchaser and consignor, the name of the slaughtering establishment or stockyards market to which consigned, the name of the commission firm when consigned to a federal stockyards market, the name of the transportation agency, the number and general description of sheep or goats in the consignment. A legible copy of the waybill, bill of lading or permit shall be promptly furnished the department. In lieu of a waybill, the sheep or goats may be released under a slaughter permit issued by the veterinarian approved for the market.
(L. 1961 p. 26 § 5)
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1961 ----
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