267.620. Artificial insemination, license for production of semen, fee, renewal. — 1. No person, firm, partnership, corporation, or association shall engage in the business of producing semen for the artificial insemination of female animals of the bovine or suis species until such person, firm, partnership, corporation or association shall have first applied for and received from the department a license to conduct such business.
2. The department shall issue to the applicant a license upon payment of an annual fee of fifteen dollars for each and every male animal of the bovine species used in such business and five dollars for each and every male animal of the suis species used in such business. Said license shall be annually renewed on the first calendar day of each year.
3. All male animals of the bovine or suis species used in the production of semen for the artificial insemination of female animals of the same species shall meet such health standards as may be required by the rules and regulations of the department.
(L. 1959 H.B. 501 § 13)
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1959 ----
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