262.587. Where council established, university to hire employees and consult with council on programs. — In counties in which there is a council the university shall:
(1) Have the responsibility and authority to employ and discharge such agents and employees as it deems necessary and proper for the conduct of extension work within the county and shall prescribe and assign their duties and determine their compensation and expenses allowed in the discharge of their duties and shall exercise supervisory powers in the establishment and maintenance of proper offices, equipment, and supplies necessary for the proper administration of the extension program.
(2) With the advice and counsel of the council, formulate extension programs in the county and it shall be responsible for the administration and execution of the extension program in each county.
(3) Before assigning any extension personnel in the area over which the council has jurisdiction first consult and advise with the council affected before making the assignment of personnel. If personnel proposed by the university is not satisfactory to the council another person shall be made available by the university.
(4) Consult with the council before taking action to discharge or remove any employee.
(L. 1961 p. 7 § 12)
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1961 ----
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