262.430. Societies may unite and form circuit. — 1. It shall be lawful for any five or more societies organized under and by virtue of sections 262.290 to 262.540 in the state of Missouri to unite for the purpose of forming a circuit whenever a majority of the board of directors of each of such societies decide to do so. Such circuit and the affairs thereof shall be governed by the several societies therein. The director of agriculture may become one of such members for and on behalf of the Missouri state fair.
2. For the purpose of organizing such a circuit, the president and secretary, or any two members of the board of directors of any five or more societies organized under sections 262.290 to 262.540, including the director of agriculture, may voluntarily meet and perfect the organization of a circuit by adopting a name and electing one of their members as president and another as secretary and another as treasurer of such circuit, and the payment of a membership fee of not less than fifty dollars from each society composing such circuit, including said state fair.
3. After the completion of such organization, a statement of the proceedings shall be signed by all the representatives present, setting forth in such statement that such meeting was held by virtue of this section for the purpose of forming a circuit and stating therein the names of the officers selected and their places of residence, as well also as the name and location of the societies forming said circuit, and the number of years, not exceeding ten, that said circuit shall continue. Which statement shall within thirty days be filed with the director of agriculture, and said circuit shall thereafter for the time specified in said statement be authorized to receive and disburse any appropriations made to or for the benefit of such circuit by the state of Missouri through said department of agriculture; provided, that any such societies and the said director of agriculture on behalf of the state fair may become members of more than one such circuit.
(RSMo 1939 § 14175)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 12498; 1919 § 12067; 1909 § 699
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1939 ----
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