186.080. Council established — members, meetings, duties, recommendations. — 1. The commissioner of education shall establish a literacy advisory council. The council shall consist of no more than twenty members, appointed by the commissioner, and shall include members representing the following stakeholder groups:
(1) School boards;
(2) Charter schools;
(3) School superintendents;
(4) Elementary and secondary building principals;
(5) At least three teachers, including at least two teachers with expertise in reading instruction;
(6) At least two special education educators;
(7) At least two parents of elementary and secondary school-age pupils who have struggled with literacy proficiency;
(8) At least two community members who have struggled with literacy proficiency or supported others who have struggled with literacy proficiency, at least one of whom shall be a high school student;
(9) One member from a* dyslexia advocacy group;
(10) Faculty members of institutions of higher education with approved teacher preparation programs;
(11) Professionals with expertise in reading instruction, reading interventions, and how students learn to read including one certified academic language therapist; and
(12) Professionals with expertise in educational assessment data analysis.
2. The council shall meet at least twice per year to review best practices in literacy instruction and related policy provisions. The department shall provide necessary staff and resources for the work of the advisory council.
3. The council shall periodically provide recommendations to the commissioner and the state board of education regarding any identified improvements to literacy instruction and policy for students. The recommendations may include recommendations for changes to state law, and the commissioner shall furnish any such recommendations to the joint committee on education.
4. The council recommendations shall:
(1) Advise the department of elementary and secondary education on how to implement and maintain the statewide literacy plan required under section 161.241 and advise the department, school districts, and charter schools on ways to inform and engage parents and other community members about the literacy plan;
(2) Provide advice as to what services the department should provide to school districts and charter schools to support implementation of the plan and on staffing levels and resources needed at the department to support the statewide effort to improve literacy;
(3) Provide advice regarding the statewide plan for collecting literacy-related data that informs:
(a) Literacy instructional practices;
(b) Teacher professional development in the field of literacy;
(c) What proficiencies and skills should be measured through literacy assessments and how those assessments are incorporated into local assessment plans; and
(d) How to identify school progress in achieving literacy outcomes, including closing literacy gaps for students from historically underserved populations;
(4) Recommend best practices for tiered literacy instruction within a multitiered system of supports to best improve and sustain literacy proficiency;
(5) Review literacy assessments and outcomes and provide ongoing advice as to how to continuously improve those outcomes and sustain improvement; and
(6) Provide a means for members of the public to provide input and ask questions concerning literacy issues.
(L. 2022 S.B. 681 & 662)
*Word "a" does not appear in original rolls.
---- end of effective 28 Aug 2022 ----
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