115.928. Federal write-in absentee ballots, electronic notice, when-procedure. — 1. Not later than the tenth Tuesday before a regularly scheduled election and as soon as practicable before an election not regularly scheduled, the election authority in each jurisdiction charged with printing and distributing ballots and balloting material shall prepare an election notice for that jurisdiction, to be used in conjunction with a federal write-in absentee ballot. The election notice shall contain a list of all of the ballot measures and federal, state, and local offices that, as of that date, the official expects to be on the ballot on the date of the election. The notice also shall contain specific instructions for how a voter is to indicate on the federal write-in absentee ballot the voter's choice for each office to be filled and for each ballot measure to be contested.
2. A covered voter may request a copy of an election notice. The election authority charged with preparing the election notice shall send the notice to the voter by facsimile, electronic mail, or regular mail, as the voter requests.
3. Not later than forty-five days prior to the election, the official charged with preparing the election notice under subsection 1 of this section shall update the notice with the certified candidates for each office and ballot measure questions and make the updated notice publicly available.
4. A local election jurisdiction that maintains an internet website shall make the election notice prepared under subsection 1 of this section and updated versions of the election notice regularly available on the website.
(L. 2013 S.B. 116)
Effective 7-01-14
---- end of effective 01 Jul 2014 ----
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