☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 491 Witnesses 
491.010   Witness's interest does not disqualify — exception — statements of deceased ... (8/28/1985)
491.015   Victim or witness in certain cases not to be interrogated as to prior ... (8/28/2022)
491.016   Otherwise inadmissible witness statement admissible in criminal proceeding, ... (8/28/2021)
491.030   Adverse party may be compelled to testify in civil cases. (8/28/1939)
491.040   Sections 491.010 and 491.030 construed. (8/28/1939)
491.050   Convicts competent witnesses — convictions and certain pleas may be proved ... (8/28/1981)
491.060   Persons incompetent to testify — exceptions, children in certain cases. (8/28/1999)
491.070   Cross-examination of witnesses — scope. (8/28/1939)
491.074   Prior inconsistent statement may be admissible in criminal cases as ... (8/28/2000)
491.075   Statement of child under fourteen or vulnerable person admissible, when. (8/28/2012)
491.078   Juvenile court adjudication, use to affect credibility — sexual offense ... (8/28/1995)
491.080   Testimony of witness not to be used to convict him of fraud. (8/28/1939)
491.090   Summons of witnesses — procedure — consequences of failure to appear. (8/28/1985)
491.100   Summons, form — how issued — subpoena for property, court's authority to ... (8/28/1985)
491.110   Subpoenas, by whom served. (8/28/1939)
491.120   Subpoenas, how served and returned. (8/28/1939)
491.130   Fees to be tendered, when. (8/28/1939)
491.140   Witness liable to action, when. (8/28/1939)
491.150   Attendance, how enforced. (8/28/1939)
491.160   Attachment may issue, when. (8/28/1939)
491.170   Witness attached, may be discharged on bail. (8/28/1939)
491.180   Penalty where party refuses to attend and testify. (8/28/1939)
491.190   Fine for nonattendance. (8/28/1939)
491.200   Penalty for refusing to testify. (8/28/1939)
491.205   Court may compel testimony, witness immunity, exception, when, penalty. (8/28/1997)
491.210   Witness not excused from testifying, when. (8/28/1939)
491.220   Witness, when free from arrest. (8/28/1939)
491.230   Power to issue writ of habeas corpus — persons detained in correctional ... (8/28/1995)
491.240   Writ to obtain witness from county jail. (8/28/1949)
491.250   Application for writ. (8/28/1939)
491.260   Application of prosecuting officers. (8/28/1939)
491.270   Prisoner to be remanded after testifying. (8/28/1939)
491.280   Fees of witnesses. (8/28/2003)
491.290   Fees, how paid. (8/28/1939)
491.310   Associate circuit judge to issue subpoenas. (8/28/1945)
491.320   Validity of subpoena. (8/28/1945)
491.330   Associate circuit judge may order witness attached, when. (8/28/1945)
491.340   Attachment to be executed as in criminal cases — cost. (8/28/1945)
491.350   Penalty for failure to obey subpoena without excuse. (8/28/1945)
491.360   Continuance of case — associate circuit judge to notify witnesses. (8/28/1945)
491.370   Cost of surplus witnesses paid by whom. (8/28/1945)
491.380   Competency of witnesses, how determined — oath of witnesses. (8/28/1945)
491.400   Definitions. (8/28/1959)
491.410   Summoning witness in this state to testify in another state. (8/28/1959)
491.420   Witness from another state summoned to testify in this state. (8/28/1959)
491.430   Exemption from arrest and service of process. (8/28/1959)
491.440   Uniformity of interpretation. (8/28/1959)
491.450   Short title. (8/28/1959)
491.600   Courts with criminal jurisdiction may issue orders to protect witness or ... (8/28/1983)
491.610   Violation of protective orders, penalties. (8/28/1983)
491.620   Pretrial releases of defendant conditional — notice of prohibited witness ... (8/28/1983)
491.640   Prosecutors coordinators training council may provide for security of ... (8/28/2004)
491.641   Pretrial witness protection services fund created — use of moneys — ... (9/21/2020)
491.675   Citation of sections 491.675 to 491.705. (8/28/1987)
491.678   Child defined. (7/19/1985)
491.680   Court may order video recording of alleged child victim, when — procedure — ... (8/28/1992)
491.685   Defendant may be excluded from child victim deposition proceedings, when. (7/19/1985)
491.687   Court may order videotaped reexamination, when. (7/19/1985)
491.690   Provisions of sections 491.675 to 491.693 not to apply where defendant has ... (7/19/1985)
491.693   Testimony to be under oath. (7/19/1985)
491.696   Child defined — videotaped testimony for juvenile court hearings. (8/28/1987)
491.699   Juvenile court hearings — court may order video recording of alleged child ... (8/28/1987)
491.702   Perpetrator may be excluded from child victim deposition proceeding, when — ... (8/28/1987)
491.705   Court may order videotaped reexamination, when — testimony to be under oath. (8/28/1987)
491.710   Hearings involving child witnesses given docket priority — delays or ... (8/28/1987)
491.725   Citation of law — definitions — applicability. (8/28/2009)
 - Cross References
Board of mediation, failure to appear and give testimony, proceedings, 295.070
Child, under age ten years, witness in criminal trial, supreme court to develop jury instruction, 477.012
Criminal activity forfeiture act (CAFA), definitions applicable to this chapter, 513.605
Criminal case continued, witnesses to give recognizance for appearance, when, 545.740
Criminal investigation, prosecutors and circuit attorneys authority to subpoena witnesses and records, procedure, 56.085
Deaf persons, auxiliary services and aids, 476.750 to 476.766
Definition of witness by criminal code, 575.010
Director of the department of insurance, financial institutions and professional registration, failure to obey subpoena of, penalty, proceedings, 374.190, 374.210
Essential witness defined, deposition by prosecutor authorized, procedures, 492.303
Husband and wife as witnesses in criminal cases, testifying for or against spouse, when, 546.260
Landlord, tenant, witness protection in civil action, 441.820
Minimum prison terms for repeat offenders for the commission of certain crimes in this chapter, 558.019
Nursing home investigation, director, power to subpoena witnesses, failure or false testimony, penalties, 198.174
Protection for witnesses and families, prosecutors coordinators training council, procedure, 491.640
Public service commission, failure to attend and testify, penalty, 386.460
Tampering with witness, penalty, conviction under this law prohibits parole, 575.270
Television, closed circuit coverage of prisoners for court appearances, when, requirements, 561.031
Unemployment compensation hearings, failure to obey subpoena or give testimony, penalty, proceedings, 288.230
Victim tampering, persuading or attempting to persuade not to report crime, penalty, 575.270
Victim's and witness' rights, 595.200 to 595.220
Videotape of deposition taken by state authorized, when, used when, exceptions, 492.303
Workers' compensation hearings, failure to obey subpoena or give testimony, penalty, 287.570

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