☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 381 Title Insurance Law 
381.011   Citation of law — purpose statement. (1/1/2008)
381.015   Title insurance commitment, required statement, when — lender's insurance policy without owner's title insurance, notice given when, contents, retention — penalty for violation. (1/1/2008)
381.018   Written contract with title insurer required for commitment or policy issuance, statement of financial condition when, contents, review and notification requirements, inventory, proof of licensure, penalty for violation. (1/1/2008)
381.019   Required disclosures. (1/1/2008)
381.022   Title insurer, agency or agent not affiliated with a title agency may operate as an escrow, security, settlement or closing agent, when, penalty for violations. (8/28/2016)
381.023   Underwriting claims and escrow practices, review of, required when — standards for review. (1/1/2008)
381.024   Denial of access and failure to cooperate prohibited, penalty. (1/1/2008)
381.025   Consideration for referrals, when, penalty. (1/1/2008)
381.026   Recording of deeds and security instruments. (1/1/2008)
381.029   Affiliated business — definitions — requirements — rules — violations. (1/1/2008)
381.038   Retention of records required, limitation, penalty for violation. (1/1/2008)
381.042   Rules, authority, procedure. (1/1/2008)
381.045   Violations, penalties. (1/1/2008)
381.048   Court actions authorized, when. (1/1/2008)
381.052   Persons authorized to conduct title insurance business. (1/1/2008)
381.055   Powers of title insurer. (1/1/2008)
381.058   License required for insurer to transact business of title insurance, exclusive to other types of insurance business, limitations — closing or settlement protection authorized. (8/28/2016)
381.062   Establishment and maintenance of minimum paid-in capital and paid-in initial surplus necessary for insurance business license. (1/1/2008)
381.065   Net retained liability limits, maximum amount — reinsurance allowed — waiver by director of risk, when. (1/1/2008)
381.068   Investment in title plant, amount restricted, considered asset. (1/1/2008)
381.071   Insurer's duties, policies — examination of title, determination of insurability — showing of liens against title — records kept, duration — exceptions to requirements. (8/28/1988)
381.072   Reserve requirements, reserve to cover all known claims — unearned premium reserve, amount, actuarial certification required, supplemental reserve, amount, deadline. (1/1/2008)
381.075   Additional insurance laws applicable to title insurers, insurer's supervision, rehabilitation and liquidation act, exceptions — liquidation or insolvency, treatment of security and escrow funds, filing of claims, cancellation of policies, payment of fully earned premiums. (1/1/2008)
381.085   Forms, director to approve before use — contents concerning coverage of policy, when included — disapproval by director, procedure. (1/1/2008)
381.112   Premium tax, premium income defined. (1/1/2008)
381.115   Licensing required for title agencies and title agents, exceptions — delegation of title searches to third party, rules — violations, penalty. (1/1/2008)
381.118   Examination required — education requirements, exemptions — approved courses and programs — teaching credit — credits may be carried forward — extensions and waivers — certification to director of completion — nonresidents — rules — funds, depositing and use — fees for license renewal. (1/1/2008)
381.122   Director authorized to inspect books and records. (1/1/2008)
381.161   Contract of title insurance through specific agent, agency, or insurer prohibited. (1/1/2008)
381.400   Definitions. (8/28/1993)
381.403   Title insurance companies and agents may enter into construction escrow agreements and issue insured closing letters. (8/28/1993)
381.405   Construction and guaranty agreements not authorized for title insurance companies — title insurance against mechanic liens and insured closing letters, authorized. (8/28/1993)
381.410   Definitions. (8/28/2008)
381.412   Settlement agents, accepting funds, exemption — title insurer, deposit of funds — violation, fine. (6/10/2008)
 - Cross References
Annual statement convention blank to be filed by insurers with the N.A.I.C., failure to comply, effect, 375.041
Insurer, defined, 375.932

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